319018 error for the past 2 days with some community chat channels

Is this a known issue? is there a workaround? tia


Have the same Problem since today.


The same problem like me.

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impossible to open german community chat
error code 319018 for community great rifts

<same here 8/10 comms down, and 3 leaved comms shown in , now ive 13 comms , 2 reachable…


Thanks for your reports! This does seem fairly consistent with EU or German Community Channels/Clans experiencing this error. Could those of you experiencing the issue, provide some more details such as which communities you’re experiencing this error on?

We’re gathering reports and getting this tracked in the mean time. I was able to find a few other reports for our other regions and I’m digging around for any similar reports as well!

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Cumminitys with Errors: No Saeson, Moore 5K only, NonSaesonal GR 100s
and so on ……

The same error.
319018 error when starting D3.
319014 when pressed “Leave community”
319001 (you are not a member…) when trying repeat “Leave community”
But problemed community disappered after restart D3.
319018 when trying to rejoin prev. leaved community (it appears again in list)

Problem communities are:
corsairs com
griftmax to infinity
rift if forward eu 2
rift it forward ru

This doesnt help: Unable to leave Diablo III Clan - Blizzard Support


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I have the same Problems… There are 3 comunitys i left and they dont go away so im in 13 comunitys. And I cant join others. Sometimes if someone invite me and I accept it Shows the comunity greyed out in my list with 0 member online and I cant click or something. Got the same error Codes like the other guys. Also from Germany.

I have the same issues. Error for chats and 1016 all the time. Especially on the evenings. Europe region servers.

same issue happening to me for the past 4 days, only 1 out of 9 communities i’m in working and the others get code 319018
It was already hard to find a group and this made it almost impossible
the groups im having problem are;
Greater Rifts
Griftmax to infinity
No Season
Nonseasonal GR 100s
NS Fusion Active
Rathma Speeds ACTIVE

Hope you can fix it soon.

The EU community “Trashcats” is also affected by the error code 319018.

D 3 Italia Hardcore chat that i have apply request have accept and invite me in the comunity but when i clik accept button this error appear 319018.


I got 319018 with these EU communities:
Bounty Split Farm
Great Rifts

Thank you for all the communities listed! We’re keeping track of the issue and the communities you’ve all provided so far. This seems to be a larger issue that our team has been working on. We expect that eventually the communities should return back to normal after a few days because of the clans and community issue that our team is looking into.

Hopefully, there’s been some improvements for some communities here. We’ll continue to monitor this thread and provide updates wherever possible, but there’s no exact ETA on when this may be fully resolved due to this being a symptom of a large issue.

Getting a new error now: Code 319000 :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Hey, huertgenwald! There’s actually a couple of different error codes tied with this issue. 319000 is one of them. Some of other other ones mentioned have been 319045, 315000, 395000, and this one here with the 319018.

Thx for the reply. Appreciated. :ok_hand:

having the same problem try to leave it and but it just want let me

same hear, I have Problems withe the German Community: 4fansite