[2.7.1] Some WD suggestions

I placed some suggestions for the WD in the WD forum but it’s time to attract a greater crowd. Let;s hope some blue guy will see it and pass it through to the devs :grinning:
More is coming if I find the time to write it down.

I hope to hear your thoughts.

[WD 2.7.1 suggestion] Evening out the Effigy - Witch Doctor - Diablo 3 Forums (blizzard.com)

[WD 2.7.1 suggestion] Celebrating the Critters - Witch Doctor - Diablo 3 Forums (blizzard.com)

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You just don’t get it do you.

Oh please enlighten me with your knowledge… :roll_eyes:

It’s been said enough times.

I don’t play WD, but I do hope that WDs get something worthwhile in the next patch.

I don’t know whats going on also, and at this point i’m too fraid to ask. I’ll do it anyway. So what’s the mater?

Nothing wrong at all just been planting some flowers and playing with dirt… im just fine and dandy.

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Good to hear. Let your flowers grow big and strong.

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I’ve played the WD for years now as my main, but I do wish there was greater variety, although that can be said about all toons and builds.

It’s just the same thing over and over.
Why not buff the absolute sh!t out of the season set from haedrigs gift so that set is the go to for the season. I’ve basically got all but one primal piece of Jade and Zuni and Arachyr’s and don’t use them.

I wish the Arachyr Turbo Chicken was better. While it does decent damage, pretty much oneshotting all trash on T16, its explosion radius is way too small which limits its potential. Plus the mini chickens Manajuma’s generates really don’t contribute to the build.

That build could be brilliant T16 farming build if improved.

This looks fine at the first glance. Let me read abit in depth. I ready pretty slow but yeah, I’ll give an opinion in the end.

  • Pile on: Whenever you cast Pile On you automatically cast another one

What’s the cap on inner cooldown? If it’s a slow wind up skill then try to push something with increased crit rating or guaranteed crit damage. Seems like it’s missing area damage too, what about mimics/clones capable of casting them or area damage? Perhaps the supporting Set could be one that increases overall damage when trigger spell is cast so it benefits from other possible damaging procs?

  • Undeath: The cap is removed/increased to X

No strong opinion, I don’t think this rune could be any useful. It’s an after kill bonus and it greatly benefits from any sort of death explosion for area damage. Such as Pandemonium Loop.

  • Lumbering Cold: Can now be cast at target location
  • Zombie Charger: Now summons 8 bears that travel farther

Stutter stepping gives good boost for both but I think Lumbering Cold change doesn’t hurt. As for embedding the legendary power of Zombie Bears, I don’t know, I don’t think it’d apply.

  • Explosive Beast: The explosion radius is increased by your pick up radius

On paper it looks fine but when you have wield The Thing of the Deep, the damage radius will be huge so it will require tons of calculations in a dense Greater Rift. Being capable of damaging 50 monsters at once maybe. I can’t see it applying.

Depth Diggers : Primary skills and skills that generate resource deal X - X% damage.

Ain’t Mordullu’s Promise work already?

Okay…I can get behind your Effigy suggestion, since it in no way changes the power or playstyle of zombie bears. Can’t understand why anyone wouldn’t want to play zombie bears, but to each their own, I guess.