Ty, i will play Fallen Order and watch ExileCon in peace.
so u guys buff the new crusader set with 10 000% (from 10 000% to 20 000%)and u guys are afraid people will go dps barb? not gonna play this season was hyped to play barb as a dps and not zdps
I dont understand why you close season 18 earlier than normal and dont start it 5 days later like always its so lame 2 weeks no gaming … gg useless guys
You can change the DEV team apparently but you get the same Garbage effort put in by both
It would have been nice if i was WhirlRending , now you made the Barb Garbage again its just the same rubbish RATS. When is Blizzard going to formally annouce NECRO will stay the PayToWin Speed and this is why all other speed runs get absolute crushed and nerfed.
Am i the only one frustrated that of all times, this is when they change from the one week turnaround for seasons? This is the first time in i cant tell you how long the season SHOULD start on my weekend off work, and instead they push it back so i have to begin with a handicap trying to catch up in paragon lvls and gear so i can solo content just to be able to group to expedite the process… So yet another season by the time i get to play half of the playerbase has quit again because you decide to wait so its fresh for a holiday weekend…
It has been a very crazy 9 days. While the patch is out, Blizzcon does have a tendency to mess with schedules left and right with the after-con sicks that most people get for various reasons.
FWIW, for future reference to the international people who like to attend Blizzcon: Please make sure that all your vaccinations are current and you are not already ill from any ailments. There are quite a few people who refuse to get any vaccines.
While it is certainly acceptable to do that for whatever reasons you have, be it religious or personal, know that if you attend any convention, you put people at serious risk of contracting any disease.
On the topic, the community just needs to be patient with regards to the next season date. I don’t know if it’s pent up frustration, anxiety, or anticipation, but GET A GRIP! When they are ready to announce things, it will be announced in due time and with great detail. This month has been both a great one (for fans of D4) and a bad one (for D3 fans who are displeased with the current state of the game). You need to realize that there are multiple separate teams working on the two games and only one CM, Nevalistis, who is shuffling between both sets of teams. It borders on being unreasonable that the community is asking for as many updates as they are.
Blizzard has, in my mind, always been geared toward quality of the games they produce and not about quantity. Best laid plans being what they are, Diablo is a different game than WoW, SC, Hearthstone and Heroes. Those games can and usually do produce a ton of expansions and DLC, depending on the game. Hence, they deliver both sides of the coin.
However, since Diablo is an ARPG, the quality of the content that is put together has to make sense to the teams that have produced the franchise. This applies to past, present and future. As we have seen with D3, where there was talk of a 2nd xpac, scrapped in favor of the Necro DLC, quality is a key point in dealing with the genre. This is not a knock on the Necro, specifically, but the quality of the game as a whole.
This points back to the very beginning of the process (c. 2003), when North was folded into the main campus. Yes, D3 took a whopping 9-10 years to develop and, along the way, went through 5 different iterations, 3 game directors (4 if you include RoS), and numerous team shuffles and employee turnover before Vanilla even launched in 2012. Do a search for D3’s evolution from the beginning for the details.
The point is that the game (and franchise) has gone through many internal (and external) ups and downs in its long history, and has managed to come out looking very respectable, in both overall appeal from fans and critics alike and internal hardships that have threatened to tear the franchise apart. Blizzard really deserves a better shake from those in the community who feel that the game and franchise could be better.
I realize that this post may not be in the right topic, but, from my perspective, most of this community is a good one, who want what’s best for the franchise. To those who constantly complain: Take a step back and look at why you do that. Do you like D3? Do you play with the hope that it could be better? Is it possible to bring certain elements of past games into the current one?
Look, D3 is what it is: A good attempt at a copy of what D2 was that, frankly, failed. Different directors have vastly different visions for what they want in any industry. Gaming, entertainment, financial, etc., it doesn’t matter. What matters is how we, as customers and consumers, react to the finished product.
D3, for all its hype as the next chapter in the saga, was a double-edged sword. Great financially, but terrible critically, once people started playing (or not… I still remember those Error 37s… Yikes!) People bought it thinking of the glory days of D2 and its simple, yet diverse, design, hoping that D3 would continue that legacy. Instead, most of us were treated to a very different take on the franchise that resulted in massive issues that were difficult to tackle.
Fast forward 7 1/2 years (this Friday!), and, while some of us still have issues with the state of this game, D3 is in a better state now than it was back then.
With 2.6.7 out and S19 around the corner (with more to come down the road), D4 officially “out of the bag” and in serious production mode and other content for both games brewing, the Diablo franchise’s future is looking very “dark” (read, “bright”) for many years to come.
People moaning and crying really need to chill out, give them time and patience, it’s there game they created and they can take the time they need, they’re working on Diablo 4, Diablo Immortal, and other things, this new generation of kids just loves to complain about every little thing dont they?
I support Diablo and blizzard since diablo 1, and while I wasnt pleased with DIII I have benefit of the doubt with d4. Give them some patience jeez.
Hmm I thought they’d promised us the season 19 preview before the patch went live.
Oh well, it’ll come sooner or later.
“We will be announcing the Season 19 start dates with the Season 19 preview blog, which will be available before the launch of Patch 2.6.7. We’ll update this post when that blog becomes available.”
Yep i remember the same thing more blizzard lies.
Thanks better be sure, than wandering in the dark. <3
im pretty sure the complaints dont come from kids, but adults that really have nothing better to do, having to wait one more week or so for season 19 is surely catastrophic for them!
Not this friday? Yeah, and why?
When it hits finally it´s 1 or 2 weeks until the next league in POE starts, so I will wait and skip D3.
At least they have a start date and you can rely on them…
Its absolutely hysterical that you nerfed the barb and let the sader stay intact. We were doing 125 grs with a fresh build sader a support monk and barb. We did a 120 and he didn’t even have a stricken on. No fore thought.
Exactly. The game is a chore to even form groups right now and they don’t even acknowledge it.
A bunch of vaporware garbage about a game 2+ years away is not as important as major issues with the current LIVE game.
More lies and disappointments.
Simple, they want folks to test out the changes and fix any major problems before s19 goes live.
I hope you really fix Blighter.
If sader’s shield is capped at 20 stacks, then sader won’t be viable for RGK, and end game will be Blighter fishing again which is painfully unenjoyable.
We’ve never had this much fun playing meta with a Sader RGK in the past few days. I hope Sader can be again viable for meta.