Well we got the answer at last… 22 November it is then
I was, not so much anymore.
So most likely 11-22 or 12-6. Thanks for the update.
That’s all you needed to say. A week ago. You should really ask management to get their boot off your neck and stop throwing you into the arena with the lions wrapped in raw meat.
That is INCREDIBLY lame and disappointing. The last 2 seasons had a 5 day gap between seasons. It is really sad to see things going BACKWARDS and getting WORSE. Sloppy, discouraging garbage that indicates LESS support for D3, not more.
Why is it so hard to post the freakin’ date?
Why no news about the BRUTAL group forming bugs?
It’s a sad, sad day if it takes them until 12/6 to do S19.
It had better be 11/22 or they may literally be riots.
Oh well we can do the challenge rift, play fallen order, watch exile con and get hyped by many things not D3, well done Blizz.
Patch notes are up here
“We will be announcing the Season 19 start dates with the Season 19 preview blog, which will be available before the launch of Patch 2.6.7. We’ll update this post when that blog becomes available.”
Season 19 date before launch of 2.6.7.
The cake was again a lie?
Thanks for letting us know. Now I have a few extra days to consolidate my season and non-season stash tabs. I hope that you feel better.
This is what had me stop in S18 about 1 month in or so - it was a really promising start. Then I can’t even invite people on my friend’s list to group. That, plus the start of WoW Classic, plus the fact that some 6 weeks later or so many of the social bugs have not been fixed, PLUS the fact that Barbs did not get enough love this patch, means no S19 for me.
I get that Nev and others are working hard. I fully respect that - I have a very demanding job. But we are customers in this relationship and we do deserve some transparency here - the bugs in the social part of this ruin the game. I cannot come online and for 40+ minutes try to get a group going even IF there are sufficient people online to get a good group going.
I think that console patches have to be sent earlier to be approved by Sony and MS, which means that the patch has been set in stone for a while now. Probably even before Blizzcon.
Though it’s not impossible that the PC version would get an unnerfed Lamentation.
Thanks for the info. I hope we will get it next week. I want to play season 19 so much.
Well, live is now PTR 2.0. They’ll see people use the new sets, and change them before the season starts, since consensus is the Cru set might overperform. WW will still underperform and not be buffed though.
Not to sound like a know it all, but the second I saw that there were changes post PTR I knew we’d be waiting another week+ before the new season. I mentioned it here a couple times, at that.
he said not friday, u gave a double negative, my lacking english skills has me confused now, so thats a no to friday or a yes lol.
Season 19 exact start date unknown
But it is not starting this Friday, the 15th.
That’s the only 2 things we know for sure.
Not Friday the 15th :((
i wanted to hit the ground whirlrending.
Given that they are releasing two brand new sets into the wild, I’m perfectly OK with the season starting a bit later. If something is downright broken, it gives them time to fix it prior to season start. I suspect it’ll be 11/22.
Dude let it go.
Stop trying to have instant gratification in your life and just be patient for once. They’re working on it. Is that not good enough?
Patch 2.6.7 live and new era started.
But people didnt have to restart D3. Pushing 4 man 150 in 7:18 with bazooka and thorns bk…
nice fail again blizz