2.6.6 Barbarian Community Buff Proposal

Free’s opinion will be the same listing as the Top 5 Thread post on the forums here…guaranteed. That list is put in rank of best to worst as far as the highest GR each can push.

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Genius. :smiley: …………………

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That doesn’t make sense, though.

Best to worst at… what? GRs? Speed-farming? zDPS? These are radically different activities. Am I being asked to evaluate the quality of each set’s design?

I’m happy to answer the question, but I need some clarification. Help me out, Micro.

What I was asking was relative to solo greater rift clears.

For each build, there are two key modifiers of power.

  1. The “functional” power of the set bonus (here I am referring to either 6 piece or LoN.

  2. The second is the modifier power contributed by support legendaries.

For example, you could have two builds with equal power where the class set is 20x while the supporting legendaries provide 5x. The same power level can be achieved if the class set modifier is 50x and the support legendaries are 2x.

As we all know, if the power of support legendaries is too high, often it is a greater benefit to use LoN rather than a six piece set.


Okay, but our builds don’t function without supporting legendaries.

Fire EQ doesn’t work without Lut Socks.

WW doesn’t work without PoC, Parthans, and either the BK set or the IB set.

R6 HOTA doesn’t do anything without Gavel and First Men bracers.

You can’t take sets into GRs without supporting legendaries. This question makes zero sense. How is anyone supposed to evaluate that?

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Just go with the provided link referencing the Top 5 solo builds imo.

It’s pretty accurate if the question is what are the best builds for pushing GRs.

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Free, as a car expert,

Without any wheels whatsoever, could you rank cars from fastest to slowest?

It would be a big help, thanks!


I know that this was supposed to insult me, but it was kind of funny. If you can’t laugh at yourself, then who can you laugh at?

The idea is simple. Strong buffs to support legendaries to compensate for weak class sets will often lead to that build being more powerful as LoN.



Our LON builds are terrible. Only LoN HOTA has any strength, and without the Season buff, it’s going to drop in power. A LoD version may not even be as strong since we’ll need to drop a gem.

Supporting legendaries are where buffs need to come from so that A) our set-based builds are stronger, and B) our LoN builds are stronger.

Rage and I did the math on our items and builds. All of that, including calculations for LoN, is plugged into the proposal. I’m not sure how else to answer your question. Can you clarify further or rephrase it?

This is true, mah dude. Regularly spilling coffee on my dang self while posting. I’m a shameful mess, smdh

For what it’s worth, I don’t think Rage meant it as an insult. I think it was a good-natured joke.

Again you show lack of knowledge.

Again, can we agree on = make a post when you know things. It is that simple.

Again you talk about something you clearly don’t know about. So why are you hung up about STILL defending yourself with another post about something you don’t know anything about?

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Yeah, definitely not trying to insult you, and glad you could see the humor there.

As for LON vs other sets, what matters is how much of a cumulative set bonus you can get vs the 9750% LON bonus. The individual legendaries don’t really matter.

For instance, if you have a legendary that gives +X% to Whirlwind damage, this is going to give nearly the same bonus to LON, which gives you +9750% damage (to everything), and Wrath of the Wastes, which give you +10000% damage (to WW). If you increased the effectiveness of that legendary 10x, it would still be relatively the same when compared between those two sets.

This is how Free and I concluded that Wastes (6) needed to include Rend in the damage bonus in order for Rend to be viable. Because if you were to just apply a massive Rend bonus to a legendary, enough to make Rend usable with the Wastes set, it would become super-overpowered when used with LON.

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trying for Level 3 he is :laughing:


I really do not mind people having their opinions. But around 80 percent of his posts, it just don’t make sense… Like, it’s PROVEN, from Blizzards OWN numbers and buggy mechanics, that there is something wrong with Barbarians AND on top of that, Free have written several posts about it… Yet this guy still goes on and on and on about stuff he clearly does not know much about. I’m like… Regretting ever reading it…


Sadly I think deRp is right. MicroRNA takes both sides of multiple “arguments”, and appears to make the same posts over and over again, and has shown an extreme interest in the forum rankings.


He just keeps beating a dead horse without any real clean analysis like what Free and Rage have put together. Their math checks out. The “barbs are in the meta” is frankly a bs excuse and feels like a crutch to me for him to continue his arguing…and rack his posting up.


Agreed. However, you and Rage proposed to buff support items to achieve both intra and inter class parity. For an underperforming barb set/build, the supporting legendary bonus would need to increase to compensate both the within barb disparity and the cross class disparity. As such the support items would end up with huge multipliers. I think in some cases a single items gets a 4000% damage bonus.

This is somewhat similar to what happened with witch doctors. The fetish dart build was bad. They did a 2X buff in Carnevel and huge buff to dagger of darts. This made this build very good; however, no other build saw a benefit.

A global modifier for underperforming classes would benefit all that class’s builds.

Relative to what? The argument against my numbers is that I did not factor in paragon, augments, and legendary gems. Neither did Free and Rage. Our punchline is the same: barbs need a big buff. Why would you believe their numbers and completely dismiss mine. Free said that Prokhan analysis was correct for season 12 which is similar to my season 12 analysis.


To get to forum trust level 3, the number of posts one makes is largely irrelevant. The most important things are consistency in logging in (at least every other day) and reading 20,000 posts during a 100 day rolling window.

P.S. It is day 32 of the new forum, we are at ~13,800 posts… I hope that no one will claim that I posted these numbers to argue against buffing any class or that I should have taken into consideration the paragon levels of posters for these statistics. :smile:


Oh come on. We all know you guys will never buff barbarians properly. All this “we are not done” talk is just hot air. Barbs will be screwed until D4 comes out. End of story.


So, I was also coming up with changes for the Waste set and this is what I got so far.

2 Piece - Whirlwind applies Rend to enemies it hits. (Sort of like U6
4 Piece - 50-60% Damage Reduction while using Whirlwind.
6 Piece - Whirldwind gains the Dust Devils rune. Rend damage is increased by X%.

Lamentation - Gain 8-10% damage reduction for every enemy affected by Rend within 25 yards. (Copy and Pasted from Buff Proposal cause it’s better then what I had)

Skull Grasp - Each instance of Rend applied to an enemy increases the damage of Rend by 100%(Additive).

Ambo’s Pride - Enemies Affected by Rend attack 20% slower, and deal 30% reduced damage.

Oh really?

My reply to 2.6.6 and Barbs: A Measured Response thread