2.6.6 Barbarian Community Buff Proposal

It’s so sad to read such a great content the guys from this forum put together. You know… You read a lot on this forum. “Buff this, do that”,but what they wrote just makes so much sense… It’s all calculated, all prepared… Everything…

I was soo excited to see what they came up with… Updated set bonuses… Changes… Just a bit… But one item, that’s it? I mean… I was dissapointed back when blizzcon was around. When they announced the mobile game. But I thought “hey, they said they weren’t finished with barbarians or this game”. And then… Nothing… So dissapointed


Didn’t they also say that the next patch was “unlikely” for the barb changes?

With all due respect, but it would take me a few work days and a small team to outline parity buffs for all classes, as well as identifying lacking skills and legendaries for all classes.

Another week to patch notes, delve into forums for well communicated and objective feedback threads alongside forum discussion.

And another two weeks to back and forth implementation and testing.

They have had months to do a single homework right.


Bro, dost thou even hoist?
“There is no reason to live you can’t do deadlift” - Jon Pall Sigmarasson


I am positive that you’re admirin’, brah.

Yeah, you’re 'mirin.

“Everybody wants to be a bodybuilder, but nobody wants to lift no heavy-a** weights.” -Ronnie Coleman


I was just hopping they remove the limit to do damage of Bracers of Destruction, at least to feel there is something strong or equal to R6 HoTA :sob:


Barb has been out of the solo meta since the inception of seasons. Time to give them some love.

And now, they even have all the work done for them. Let’s see if blizzard still cares :slight_smile:

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We’re definitely not getting anything this patch, but here’s hoping that 2.6.7 is an improvement!


Or 2.7.4 in the year 2047

See ya on mars

I hope to be married with kids of my own by then

New job interview question !

“Job candidate; Where do you see yourself by the time Barbarians are fixed in Diablo 3?”

“um… running the company, sir. In 2417, from planet LV 426”

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Even xenomorphs would fix Barbs sooner.


USA 2020. Hillary Clinton wins re-election and implements a new time measurement system for the world known as the ADBFY, where units of time in academia, government, and private industry must now be measured as Are Diablo Barbs Fixed Yet?. Worldwide protests erupt, the economy crumbles. People can’t even schedule their own lives due to systemic errors with Pre or Post-Are Diablo Barbs Fixed Yet measurements. Bobby Kotick is sued by Brexit for tax evasion for 6,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Euros. The planet explodes.

Thanks Blizzard


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You do not remember because before it was only a prophecy, but now in the future, the barb fix has occurred.

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Joking aside, if–or maybe, when–Barbs get buffs, it will be interesting to see what that looks like considering the scope and scale of the most recent two patches. I certainly don’t expect every item or request to be granted, but I don’t think it will be Mortick’s caliber disappointment.

And let’s not forget that Monks need buffs almost as badly.

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They can simply give Monks Martin’s Bracers which enable all epiphany runes then claim Monk is now fixed

In 2027 of course


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I am waiting for the blog.

From patch 2.6.1a being released on 5/29/2018, they have only updated 10 class specific support items for all classes combined, including changes in patch 2.6.6. The “small” list 1 proposal includes buffs to 10 legendary support items. List 2 includes more items and even new affixes on many items. It is highly unlikely in my mind that the classic games team will do this. There is compelling data that shows that barbs on in a bad spot now; however, their historical underachievement in terms of ability to clear solo greater rifts seems inconsistent with what is presented in OP.


Blog won’t change anything because patch is already finalized

Just more PR like they always do

Like many other people I’ve lost all faith in the dev team

Years and years is an unreasonable time frame

This is a game not a decades long business venture

By the time the classes are addressed Diablo 4 will be out and no one will care anymore


Is there any chance at all that a random Barb buff will be added between the PTR and the live patch? I just want some hope :slight_smile:

Statistically speaking the chance of this is non-zero.
Realistically speaking, no.



We’ll be waiting a while. Again.

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