17 August Beta release Leak - Oh really?

Apparenty this was leaked on the MS store. Head over to reddit/YT for the details.

That date is Horribly late. Beta should have been out today.

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We know about this, in fact it was someone in this forum who broke it, can’t remember who though. I didn’t believe it at first until i googled it and went over to the page and sure enough I saw it.

It’s disappeared now, if you didn’t know about that? It vanished. So not sure if it will or will not be, who knows?

People have sreenshots and youtube videos about it though.

Yea, I’m aware, it first broke on this forum before people spread what that first guy told them. I’m just saying that because they took the date down, maybe it was just an approximate or possible date, I have no idea.


I’m guessing it was damage control. That date is likely to be the actual start date for the round 2 beta, but they weren’t ready to drop the date just yet. Dousing the tinder before it became a wildfire kind of thing, etc.

I hope you are right, I think you are right too, I think that was the open beta too, so as you say, if we do get early access, maybe we will get it before then.

Or just use the search function…

look the whole thing is pathetic, they see the forums going crazy and no one is stepping out to just even give an approximate date, or make a decent anouncement.


While I’m not concerned about my own beta play time, because after all, all beta characters will be wiped in the end, I’m a bit concerned about the date as well, because the later they start, the less time they have to fix things in order to have a flawless start at launch date.

I really hope they’ll be able to have a perfect start without game breaking bugs like items duplication or lost or anything like that.

I wouldn’t be surprised if 8/17 is inaccurate. That falls on a Tuesday. They had originally said beta was supposed to be on weekends.

i seent it you a little late my mans

Bruh. The 17th is halfway between the 13th and 20th.

It’s tantalizing isn’t it.

I’m honestly not that interested in the beta. We have to start over on release date anyway. Even if they decided to let us keep beta characters as non-season characters, the first season starts on release.

Getting a sneak peak at the graphics is pretty much it. You could try out certain mechanics to see if they’re still the same, though I’m sure the streamers or people who will play it for many hours will do that for you and you could just double check before release if it will impact what you want to play.

Well for alot of people, such as me, who love Diablo II but haven;t played in years and want to refamiliarize ourselves and also give the new D2R a spin, we are very much looking forward to beta and it is fine that we will lose our chars, no big deal.


This ^

20 characters required

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beta shoulda been out 7 years ago

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well the did give a approximate date

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and an even more approximate date

“Hello, Blizzard here, we think we will be able to start the beta on the 17th of August, but we may be a bit late or early with it as the schedule shifts so don’t hold us to it! We’ll let you know!”

Less time than going to the loo, but I guess us customers here who preordered aren’t even worth this basic treatment. /sarcasm.