140 Darkpatator Clear-Note Fjord Cutter Bug-HOTA is fine

Before all the trolls and streamers jump at this calling it OP and asking nerfs, note at DPs inventory: He has a fjord cutter (a seismic slam weapon) in a HOTA build.

The current Fjord cutter is bugged and need a hotfix. It is working like a juicy bane of the trapped. So please do not go asking for nerfs to HOTA or to barb in general.

Dear developers, please be careful. We are really tired of dealing with this :poop:


See the bug report and some more buff request for balancing aim.


"Rank 1 worldā€ Major Facepalm

At least theyā€™ve already said they are resetting the Era leaderboardsā€¦

Darkpatator, we gave you the benefit of the doubt, but man you are really reaching the bono levels.

If you did that clear, give some explanation to clueless people. If the purpose of that video is to outline a bug, report it as a bug and supplement with your video.

What is your purpose?


Sorry, dude. But Iā€™d say thatā€™s just victim complex. I saw the glimpse of his clear, and what went through my mind was ā€˜some people will/might use this to say barbs are fineā€™ (yes, I did know he was using Fjord Cutter bug), not them calling for barb nerf.

Wording seems to suggest Fjord Cutter interaction is indeed a bug. But necro has that one-handed scythe that gives benefit to Grim Scythe along with extra damage on cursed target or something. Some build use the scythe just for the second effect. So I wouldnā€™t rule out Fjord Cutting staying as it is now.

Not everybody knows the details. I saw his youtube and most people are cluless. This is the right condition for growing trolls.

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I think its safe to say that Fjord Cutter is not intended to buff All damage - the necro weapon is.

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Highly doubt it. Its 100% a bug and I expect it to be patched in this patch we have coming before the season starts. The Dev team is aware of it by now Iā€™m sure since Pro posted it in the Bug Report section. At this point anyone using it outside of SS is just straight exploiting it.

Not rank 1 but he would one of the most perfect Rank number 2.


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I know. I checked some other weapons, and they say something along the lines of ā€˜increase its damageā€™. Necro weapon just says ā€˜andā€™. Fjord Cutter says ā€˜and alsoā€™, so grammatically it does indicate SS. But Blizz might leave just the way it is, not buffing WW, but buffing other stuff for barbs.

If Fjord cutter is left as is, we should say bye bye to our class fix as R6HOTa will again be the top, which is the most ridiculous to play barb build. Wallcharge lol


He lost all his credit from entire barb community. Asking for nerf? WTH?

To Dev, without FCutter, hotA build are clearly underpowered. Iā€™ve reported this in ptr feedback. It do needs a 5 lvl buff.

Titannova did a lot of test for IKHotA yesterday, (equipped with FC) He canā€™t even pass 133. LoN hota can only do 2 more level.

It need a buff!


Exactly! Fjord Cutter is the only thing right now, that makes HOTA damage feel at least somewhat decent. Clearly Remorseless and Fjord Cutter need buff, at least twice the Current percentage values.



I hate r6hota playstyle. Blizz should bugfix fjord and buff rend.


Hereā€™s hoping the small balance patch restores Lamentation rend damage buff, fixes Fjord cutter bug, and gives SS a HotA a bit more of a buff to catch up with everything else!

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Bot more paragon levels and show off again, i guess? :slight_smile:


I think such clears call for account action to be taken by blizzard as they exploited a bug openly without the intention of reporting it. And it has malign purposes as twitch video title etc suggests.


Previous incidence tells me that blz wonā€™t punish him for this bug. But blz should start investigate suspicious account (account sharing, bot using, etc).

so we basing balance now on 10k paragon players SMH

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Guys, Fjord Cutter is currently bugged. It should only buff Slam damage vs Chilled/Slowed enemies.

In addition, Fjord and Remorseless should also have their multipliers buffed. I say this in my response thread.

You donā€™t want to leave Fjord bugged just to help struggling HOTA builds. Letā€™s please advocate for the right fixes, not the Band-Aids.