10 WD GR 150, 3 Crusaders GR 150 in Non-Season

It’s not too strong, atm. It’s just about right. Look at the paragon points of the WDs people are complaining about. That has more to do with the higher GRs so soon, not the set itself.

And rest assured, a WD who just hit lvl 70 5 minutes ago with 20 paragon and the new Mundungunus set isn’t clearing GR150 solo.

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147 solo with 9 paragon a few days after the patch … WD is stronger than Rend, as strong as Pre-Nerf AoV.

That’s because the blizzard nerfs builds that are too strong.

It is too strong. Blizzard wants builds to be balanced around GRift 141 for 10k paragon. WD Mundu’s is currently 6 tiers too strong. This means they are dealing at least 2.56x more damage than what blizzard would like.

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You do realize balanced doesn’t mean maximum? Some will do higher, some will do lower than the benchmark of 141.

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I’m a bad Starpact player and I couldn’t even complete GR 130 solo, so should Starpact be a buff?

Yes, that’s why blizzard said 1-2 GRifts variation is good balance. That means one build can be 143 and another can be 139 and be balanced under their statement.

So were back for asking nerfs? Incredible now we have 1 char which set you can actually use And here we go again op op nerf nerf ty

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The unbalance come from the fact that blizzard devs team is about 3 people and they can’t balance every set / item even with 3 month of time.

D3 will be balance around 2025.

By the way when you get 8k paragon after 5 years of playing, i think it’s OK to be able to clear 145-150 GR.


I have quoted Matt’s post several times about the non-season 141 target and their tolerances about that value relative to nerfs/buffs. I suspect that things have changed on their end. In general, a builds top clears correlate with their 5k paragon clears (There are exception such as the old thorns necromancer). I bet they looked at the data and their new target is GR 144. As such, their good balance range at the top end in GR 142-146. This would make sense with their nerf to crusaders and the fact that they stated that DH and Necromancer will be buffed in patch 2.6.9.

Era 12
Barbarian 146
Crusader 150 (Nerfed in patch 2.6.8)
Demon Hunter 141
Monk 144
Necromancer 137
Witch Doctor 143 (New OP set in patch 2.6.8)
Wizard 145 (Some builds nerfed in patch 2.6.8)

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I don’t think it’s going to be in 2.6.9
I’m pretty sure it’s going to be 2.6.10 or w/e for season 22. They might buff a singular build for each but I’m pretty sure their main balance focus is going to be for season 22.

Good lord, I can’t believe I’ve played this game since season 9. I’ve had so much fun so far.

That’s 9k paragon lol, right next to it is a Vyr’s that cleared it with ½ the paragon. Hydra is not fine man…

Also INB4 150 WD clear :stuck_out_tongue:


What paragon levels were these 2 WD? Are we disregarding their paragon levels? Why OP doesnt metntion? You cant just look at thier build… If someone took the time to grind paragons to a high number honestly they deserve to have top GR clears.

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OP probably didn’t even check.

One has 11,270 with 15,533,300 sheet damage, so…Kudos!

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I’d argue Hydra is fine as it’s going to be within the range blizzard has stated for builds to fall in to.

Other builds that are OP are the problem here. They need to be nerfed

EU region
RZEŹNIK did a 147 GR with 11,270 paragon.
MAGIUKS did a 143 GR with 8,883 paragon.
Doesn’t prove anything needs nerfing. This arguement about non-season clears is ridiculous. So anyone leveling from very low paragon levels has to listen to someone saying it is OP is just missing the obvious people with that much paragon are too OP to begin with. :grinning:


Danggg if I had 11,270 paragon, i’d hope to have a spot in top 10 atleast.

Yeah I think some players just forget that paragons exist, It actually does help with damage and toughness when you have a significant amount of points. Need to consider EVERYTHING when deciding a build/set needs a nerf or buff.

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oh no the fun police is here again, dont u guys have anything better to do other then crying for nerfs?


Oh no the FOTM rollers seem out and about. Too bad you can’t comprehend how to have fun other than feeling superior to other classes that aren’t as strong

Oh yeah that’s right. Witch doctors haven’t been strong for years, why should that change? Let’s nerf them to the ground where they belong because my class cannot compete. WD players haven’t had this much fun clearing high GRs for months, let’s keep it that way. Why should anyone have any fun if I can’t?


Could you check Asia Server then?
147 9k to.

Apparently it is not much different from the PTR. If this is the case, he IS stronger than AoV Pre-Nerf.

If AoV was nerff and STILL being watched by Blizz, it shows beyond a doubt that WD is above the target.