A Ban wave would be nice

Nothing you say can be believed as fact without confirmation, because so much of what you have said in the past has been proved to be exaggeration, or complete fabrication.

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Kobe plays D3. I think he’s a Monk

That would be tough. Maybe you’re thinking of Lebron James.

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Possibly yet a ban in the first week followed by a ban at the very end means the bots ran all season long. Sort of pointless.

Ban Wave 20 cccccccc

Then it’s pointless having ban waves
Especially when you come here daily to complain about bots and now you are saying banning is pointless because the bots are there, but if you don’t ban them they stay

Are you just complaining for the sake of complaining


Still cant find metalheads name anywhere though. Weird, must be a glitch.

Ooooh, rank 52. Sorry, I just assumed right after a banwave he would be rank 1, so I didn’t scroll down that far.

Wow, they missed 51 botters just from the Barb boards. Now I see why you are complaining so much. Right after a banwave, and there are still 51 botters ahead of him, crazy.

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twenty characters

Thanks Blizzard for the ban wave. Imperfect, but at least something. It seems like they banned several of the same cheaters that they banned on September 15 (i.e. 2 bans in a single season).

Too bad that they did not ban all the cheater’s alts.

Really? WhiteOak afk 3 mths ago and clear 150 back in October @ 3k gons
Lebron cleared 150 @ 2.1k gons

Our man metalhead meanwhile cleared 145 @ 50% higher gons than lebron. He has 1k STR rolled on purpose on his main hand and if he doesnt know that STR weights 3.6%, far lower than 10% damage then he need some maths tutoring. Let alone HotA alternates attacks, having no % on 1 weapon dilates the 7% on his EF alternate hand.

You real rank is earned, not given from ban waves. He needs more polishing to earn higher rankings.

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Has the ban wave already happened? :thinking:

there are players who use a bot for their paragon but not on the ladder. they think it will save them.


LB only displays a fraction of ban waves, not the whole picture. Dont underestimate warden.

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Blizzard I love U

you know, logically speaking, only players who use a bot (of course I condemn the use of such software) contribute a little (maybe a lot) financially to this project - by buying new copies of this game.
I can say that this is already a well-established figure of a certain ecosystem :thinking::sweat_smile:.
I mean, we all scold them who use the bot, and sometimes you need to praise and say thank you, put a candle :candle: in front of the nickname and raise a glass of any drink :joy:. it will be fun.

Unfortunately they purchase black market used keys already in circulation adding no additional revenue :pensive:

Those accounts are brand new keys which is ultra low priced in comparison due to exchange rate / regional pricing strategies. Steam HK store price is 1/5 to AU store doesn’t mean those games are pirated copies.

Yes, they generate some revenue.

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what happen? :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:

Question, perhaps naive, but wouldn’t it be possible to simply set up a playing time counter in order to block kickers for 24 hours ?

Example : beyond 10/12 hours of playing time per day (So over a period of 24 hours) you are blocked and had to wait the next 12 hours before being able to play again !?

Of course, this would only take place after the first fortnight of play, and in any case those who spend more than 18 hours/day of playing time over the month: BAN !

The first week, some addicts can, most certainly, spend 18 hours playing a day, because they have no life, but after, after a month, what human being still does that, seriously!?? Also who makes the GR 110 loop for more than 4/5 hours/day ??

There are behaviors strange enough to at least block accounts and not necessarily ban them immediately !

End of season wave mit.