Glad someone gets it
So its literally a quota for 1/3 of the company to be a specific gender/gender identity that is both disgusting and hilarious.
Can somebody explain to an EU person why everyting in USA is about gender, race and companies focusing on this more than on there core business? Is this why China is now the biggest economy and USA companies are crumbling?
Don’t worry mister European they will export this insanity over to you soon enough
Everyone says this, then provides zero evidence, horks a few blanket statements, then builds multiple straw men. I guess it is the fall time, afterall.
A controlled demolition and an army of useful idiot NPCs.
Most people who say “you should only hire the most qualified” wouldn’t have their current job if their employers followed their own advice.
How many of you are currently on the clock…
There is nepotism in EU and it’s very old news. Tokenism is there, too.
She stated to the other topic, that someone wrote that the merit and qualification of a candiate should be highly valued, which isn’t always a common thing. Ideally yes, still many dont do since ages.
Bobby has something a deal with the lawsuits for may to recover the reputation. For them is Public a big matter than the main server problem.
Tokenism is terrible, of course.
- Props to Bobby for slashing his compensation.
- 50% of people based on gender and not skill, what a terrible idea.
I mean blizz is doing a poor of a job as it is. This is going to take it to a whole new level. It’s been done and it wrecks the institutions as proved by short lived history time and time again.
LMAO he already bled Atari and Blizzard dry, ofc he can be charitable now that he has sucked all of their blood.
Don’t be fooled.
What worries me is the non binary thing. While from a moral standpoint I encourage and welcome everyone from ethnic, gender, sexual, etc minorities, I’m skeptical about what is hard to “frame” objectively, like non binary genders.
On top of being hard to measure I fear it would be easily exploited, like all those people in the USA signing in colleges as Native American minorities, while they aren’t.
Obviously this is an image disaster recovery/PR stunt, but women should benefit from this, so still good.
I think it’s better to have them raise women to 33% instead of a sudden bump to 50%, as this would probably result in a mess, skill/meritocracy wise.
This is an unverifiable speculation. I doubt there’s any evidence to your claim.
I am also all for people doing what they want. You are right though that having that as part of the metric does allow some flexibility and might be exploited.
That said, if they can get away from the usual practice of hiring friends, schoolmates, relatives, friends of friends. Hire on merit alone, the 33% 5 year goal will happen without even trying.
Women are 50ish% of the population. To have them be 33% of the company is not unreasonable and if they are just fair in hiring (as in not buddies) it should happen easily. While hiring the best qualified folks.
Most jobs in most companies never see the light of day - they are filled before even posted. Filled by people who know people.
Even just opening them up to all resumes/CVs is a step in the right direction.
Stop hiring for who you know from a little pool, and hire based on skills out of a large pool.
This applies to pretty much every single company ever. Even some Govt jobs are written such that only one person fits the job description so a friend can get the job It is technically illegal but they do it anyway.
P.S. I am a prime example of people hiring those within their extended circle. I have NEVER had to interview for a job. And I am mostly an antisocial shut in, but I still had enough connections to get jobs.
1st career they came to my school looking for someone with my skill set on a short time table. I already had my degree and was almost done the secondary qualifications they wanted on top of the degree. I interviewed THEM to see if I wanted to work there.
2nd career I was recruited and badgered for 2 years before finally agreeing to work for the company.
Even the summer jobs I had were through people I knew. Life-guarding, art cataloging/documentation, catering/events, etc. Garden/Nursery mgt (and everything else).
Yea. This seems rather stupid.
edit: Hire people who do a good job not just to make yourself look good.
Who really cares what he gives up for employees. We the gamers are what pay all their salaries and the servers for D2R are beyond terrible.
Its not the severs. It is the Global database code. Someone decided to use the 20+ year old code that worked on our regional servers (USEast, USWest, etc.) in 2000. Then scale that to handle 2021 gaming at a Global scale across all regions AND including Consoles. Not shockingly that database keeled over which is why we were down for a week every day.
The queue and game limits are temporary until they fix the whole database architecture. Something that I think should have been done before release.
Take some of Bobby’s money to pay those folks. That would be good.
I want to say Sweden has tried this and it backfired spectacularly, Jordan Peterson has covered it thoroughly.
That is just arguing semantics at this point, the game was not ready for release and in typical Blizzard fashion they released it anyway.
I agree. I very much agree. I wish they had not done this. The DB issues should have been tested and resolved before release. The chat and lobby also should have been finished. Oh, and reporting should mute the spammer when we report. Right click block should also work.
The game is great art wise and gameplay wise. The Blizzard side which handles the Bnet coding for lobby/chat/reporting and the servers/netcode etc is what is messed up.
VV did a great job on their side.
As unverifiable as people claiming anyone else was/will be hired only because x and not based off qualifications also.
But it’s also based on companies practice of hiring based on personal relationships and recommendations.
Was I the most qualified for my position? No clue, the posting was only left up for the legal 24 hours and no one else was interviewed. Why? Because I knew someone. Is that fair to people? No, no it isn’t. But welcome to how the world does actually work for lots of people. Is making a quota the end all solution? No, but doing nothing isn’t the correct solution either. Recognizing you have problems and attempting to work on it is at least moving in the right direction.