Yes, I’m sure as a white male you’ve got it really rough now.
The west is just bizarre at this point.
Racist statement. Disgusting.
I’m also a white male.
The sarcastic statement was made because it’s complete nonsense to think that because people are no longer ignoring issues/sweeping them under the rug that somehow it has gone to the extreme.
No. People are finally getting the courage to stand up for who they are and that they deserve equal treatment.
You are only introducing issues of racism and sexism with this nonsense. Only character and talent matters. Any diversion from that is another flavor of bigotry and discrimination.
Ah yes equal treatment by having gender/race quotas in the workplace totally equal treatment.
Who ever does the best job and is the most qualified should get the job. Not who ever has the most rare genitals or sexual tendsncies.
Hahaha, respect… for Bobby Kotick.
Did you know he made 155 million dollars from bonuses in 2020? The same year Blizzard layed off 800 people?
Bobby kotick’s salary is meaningless, he makes most of his money from bonus payments and shares.
The man could literally reduce his salary to negative 10 million dollars and still rake in massive amounts of cash.
Bobby Kotick is the scum of the earth. Easily one of the worst human beings tied to the video game industry to have ever existed. Never forget that.
It’s similar to DT not taking a salary when he went into office.
A drop in the bucket compared to where his actual income comes from.
How is this the right direction? Of course they had to reform something at their company, but just hiring women and whatever non-binaries are to fullfill a quota is a bad move. You hire professional people who know what they are doing, not any random developer only because they belong to a specific sex or folk.
No wonder their games are getting supported so miserably when thy have already hired people because of a quota. They are hiring garbage.
If that was how hiring had worked for the past hundred + years (and more) that would be great. That is all anyone wants.
It is not how it works though - you get hired based on who you know which is how you even find out about most jobs. People hire friends, relatives, classmates, neighbors. People with similar interests, backgrounds, education - and often race/gender. Many are not qualified at all for their job. Everyone knows a coworker or manager who was only in that position because they knew someone. It happens a ton.
If people were hired based on qualifications alone that would be fantastic!
What it sounds like they are doing is making positions public facing and taking outside applicants. Over time that naturally leads to a more diverse workforce without forcing it. Just stopping people from hiring their buddies and friends of friends, does wonders. Same goes for promotions/raises. Which was an issue at ATVI. Friends and buddies got raises and promotions, those not in the “group” did not even if they bore the brunt of the work.
It also helps eliminate the whole “friend got me this job so I owe it to them to look the other way”.
I wouldn’t consider it a quota as quotas are generally rigid in nature and there are consequences when they aren’t hit.
I’d think of it more as an organizational goal that is in place to help people be mindful of the situation and to help steer the organization back in the right direction.
Yeah well done Bobby, of course you should realise that his salary is not the main income he has from Actiblizzion.
Much of the income is stock, if this grant gesture is good for the stocks, it will even increase his income instead of lowering it.
Anyways slashing your salary from 875.000 to 62.500 seems a lot, but pales with the 155.000.000 BONUS he received in 2021.
The solution to past discrimination is not more discrimination. So Blizzard is saying “We treated women like crap in the past so were gonna treat men like crap now to make up for it” that isn’t a solution its just putting the boxing glove on the other hand and punching someone else for a bit.
Did their past hiring practice that led to a frat boy culture full or abuse, harassment, etc. work out for them? Were those people not garbage?
Really though it is not about hiring based on gender or race. It is about stopping the practice of hiring friends, friends of friends, etc. Open positions to all applicants and pick the best.
I wish nearly everything required us to apply by number, no name/race/gender. Just education, background, qualifications, etc.
But its arguably not the right direction to limit yourself in what you want to hire based on sex or race. They want to have at least 50% women or non-binaries, which is already a limitation. They should hire people because of their qualifications and there it shouldnt matter to what group that person belongs.
I am sure there were garbage people personality wise, but i am talking about garbage people professionaly wise. You never really know the personality of a human being until you actually know them for a proper amount of time. How often have i heard about people getting hired who did efficient work in the 6 month of their probation and then showed their true self after they got actually hired.
If that was the case they wouldn’t have come out and said “Were gonna hire 50%more women/nonbinary” they would say “were going to hire based on merits not on referrals”
Please focus on the main priority. Deliver good games. Fix the servers and unleash ladder asap.
No, they want to have 30%.
They have 23% now. They want to increase that by 50%
50% of 23% = 11.5%
23% + 11.5% gets them to the 33% (or 1/3) goal Bobby Kotick stated.
This is why I explained it in my post with the link. I knew people would see “Increase by 50%” and think it meant a total of 50% 5 years from now.
Doesnt really matter if its 33% or 50%. Its still the same argument.