Yesterday I made five new characters to mule items that I might eventually use when I get around to leveling them up - a barb, necro, zon, assassin, and druid. All of them had a handful of items moved into their personal stash to make room in the shared tabs. Went back to MFing with my sorc for a while, quit the game, and today the druid and assassin are both just… gone. Poof. Along with, of course, the items I moved to their personal stash.
I’ve looked around and found that this was an issue months ago related to offline characters having the same name as online characters; I only have one online character with a different name… and that was back in September, so surely it must’ve been fixed by now, right?
Being a pair of level 1s with just a handful of decent gear, it’s not the end of the world, but what’s to stop this from happening to the sorc I intend to grind to 99 with? How does this even happen to begin with?
Hi i had the same on my Switch console. Fortunately i wanted to start building my poisonmancer but i did not move any decent gear to personal stash yet. Just kind of dagger and spare Gheed’s Fortune. And the character disappear. Then i have tried again and created two characters on purpose and quit the game. After i turn it back on poof both disappeared.
Yes, the same bug I was able to identify on Nintendo Switch:
I’ve got the feeling that the memory for data is limited. I was also noticing some side effects when having 26-27 chars, like loss of hotkey assignments to skills when restarting the game
It may be the memory. I also noticed some items disappear from time to time. But usually i keep the game open on my console. Just restarting it when it needs an update or something. Sometimes when you move some items from your inventory to stash (no matter shared or not) and restart the game the items either disappear or they are moved back to your inventory.