WOW.... i messed up

First and foremost - creator my bad. cant do the jewel trade.

I had a 15ias 30 fr jewel to trade to creator.
Bought a bunch of pgems this morning.
Used that jewel to craft by accident…



Omg buddy. can feel that heart pain.

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wow, hate when that happens. be careful though, when this happened to me back in December, i was raked over the coals.

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I was looking for it to get ready for later tonight and then my face went white lolll

Whatever gloves I used it on it didn’t craft anything good I’ll tell ya that much

Oh man, that is so unfortunate.

Recently, I was making Plague using Cham Fal Um. Looked up the wrong website that hadn’t updated to 2.4 zzzzzzzzz

Ouch. I know what you are feeling. I did something like that when I made a Grife instead of a Grief. Eth tir Lo RAL mal to the garbage

Don’t understand why bliz changed that…


:sob: : rest in peace beautiful jewel, we hardly knew ye

I keep all my nice jewels far far away from anything crafting/sale related cus I’m terrified I’ll do something like that at some point if I don’t.

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Let’s turn this into a ‘most embarrassing thing you’ve done in D2’ thread.

A few months ago, I pitched an 8LL 3os Tiara back to Gheed.

Over a decade ago, I traded 4 sojs for a green hat. (Market rate was about 6 at the time. Should’ve known better.)

My stories are kind of lame. I know someone out there has a better one.


:cry: RIP


I made a Black runeword in a sword. Two things made that bad:

It was at ladder start, so the Io was valuable (at least to me)
After I did it, I remembered that I have done it before. :frowning:


Oh well FT sorry about your loss. Is there gonna be a wake and a memorial service? I have a gift for you and maybe it will ease the pain. Come to game sucker!//123 for your presents – a cathan’s ring and a cracked cestus.

I keep losing stuff when I clean out my sash. I throw stuff on the ground and then forget about it. I have thrown on the ground and then forgot 2 x Treads of Chiton, 2 x Chance Guards, an Insight CV.

This is what happens when you get to be my age.

Been there done that. Bought a 15/38 or something to use. It was in my stash for a good 10 mins then it became crafting mats :rofl:


I bought a 15ias 35ed jewel for Ohm Vex 3 ist, put it in my WF, then realized since I had 2 ias ed jewels in my helm I was better off Heling it out and putting an Ohm in it. I did so but ouch.


Probably should have kept it there and get another WF :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yup, :sob:

Still, I know other people when 2.4 dropped vendored their “failed” spear infinitys before the hotfix was pushed. That majorly sucks

Well I made last wish and somehow I got distracted and I was thinking to put Jah ith BER at the end . So lots of Jah there


That really sucks dude but as you can see with all the responses we’ve all been there before.

In all my d2 playing years i cant tell you how many times ive made the wrong rw, accidentally sold a charm/item in my stash while gambling, dropped something on the ground in a game and forgot about it and left the game only to realize it like 30 min after, etc.

I try to stay positive and say lesson learned after each mistake but then i still sometimes make the same mistake again lol

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Condolences to you thug, it happens to everyone eventually, I sold my 20/18 ntorch due to game literally freezing when I was vendoring and my input got buffered somehow to selling the torch, had to buy a replacement

And fuzzy one, you serious with that last wish? that has got to hurt? :crying_cat_face: