WOW.... i messed up

Yeah man we all be there . I think the worst I’ve heard is someone deleted a mule but accidently deleted their main char ! I think he instantly uninstall the game then


Yes man . This happened not too long ago


I have made 2 notable mistakes. Hired a new merc while the old one was still wearing all his gear (thank God wearing Insight and no Infi, Eth Fortitude, normal socketed Andy’s)…

Tried to make a HOTO in a military pick… For style points… :joy:

@Teemo if you still looking for a LW nl I have a couple to sell for a reasonable price (2x PB, 1x CB).


Sorry to hear man. If it makes you feel better, I just found jah last night and ber today on ladder. Just waiting for that ith to drop.


I actually have quite a few od these lol. The very first gg item I found this time around was my third week at level 70 with the zon at NM cows I found a 7mf 5 all resist charm.
I desparetly needed a bow so I traded that for a kokuo bow thats purple and shoots fire arrows… which I never used because I found a 6ml wf right after.


made same while crafting amulets with light facet

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that had to hurt

i accidentally unsocketed a 35 spirit monarch yesterday, it didn’t hurt but damn I felt like I am a dum dum

Chasing that 35fcr 112 mana, good move.

I managed to roll one of these in the last 2 months.

Just made a mistake which was even more dumb and sad. Accidentally dropped a Last Wish in a trade game when trying to link it… Guy took it immediately and let me pay for it to get it back… Some people are messed up…
I already knew that in hindsight… But in order to let it go I have to tell myself I paid for that lesson / mistake.

It did cost me some. But the most ugly thing about this situation is that the guy thought he did the right thing by not leaving immediately. Kept saying he wasn’t a scammer. Don’t know what he was tbh but I know that what he did was pretty ugly.

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Tell us how much you paid to get it back! :popcorn:

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Paid him a Sur. But that wasn’t the price, I had to ask him 100 times. Felt almost like begging which makes me feel disgusted lol.

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Well, I’m going to just follow DHROLIE around and wait for him to drop things now.


Doing incredible dumb trades when drunk wasn’t enough… Nooo I had to up my game a little by dropping high end items in front of strangers :joy::rofl:


Yeah, that sucks. It’s a shame that there’s no accountability and no incentive for someone in a public game to show decency in that situation.


All good bud. I am sorry to hear. Hope you get good drops/rolls to make up for it. Thanks for making me famous lol

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RIP Thug bro :frowning: