Will there be a way to play a "pre-2.4" version of D2R?

If I want to run D2R in the most authentic manner possible to the original D2, will there be an option for that? Or do we have to play the new version only? I am not sure what changes the game update will cause to my enjoyment of a 20 year old game, but my apprehension would be greatly lessened if I knew I could just install D2 LoD “Classic” or something. Is that possible?


Just like classic got screwed with the changes from 1.10, expansion will be unable to escape 2.14.

Edit: nothing to lose by waiting for ptr.

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So essentially install classic now, and never download the update? Or buy a CD copy?

Maybe a modder might do you justice and bring the game back to launch state, bugs and all. If you want to true, authentic to the original feel of D2, install the original game, use the Cactus mod and time travel back to launch D2, no expac and all to experience a true 20+ year old game.


Why are you so afraid of changes?

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I don’t think we are afraid of change but they sold us the same D2 we know and love with some QoL updates, now they are basically changing the game significantly, which is fine, or would be fine, if they just added “Resurrected” mode. I think that is my biggest problem is there will be no way to play expansion/LoD “Classic” in D2R anymore and we only got a few months of that and it’s pretty sad. I think that is the biggest issue is this is so easily avoided but they would rather drag everyone onto the same path rather than giving choice/option which D2 players value. They also have proven they are pretty bad with knowing the fundamentals of D2 just look at all that was broken and remains broken since launch, it’s not a good look and doesn’t garner confidence, if they had fixed things like lobby and chat and spam and game list bugs and refresh button why is it even there? And things like that, it’s just not inspiring in any way shape or form. So I don’t think it’s people afraid of change it’s all of this combined which makes people wary. Especially since this is all so easily avoided by simply adding a new checkbox to play the D2R with “all the changes” they want to do.


It this game wont be getting new additions and changes to improve what is bad in original game, it will die quickly. I dont want that. You wont keep player base on playing 20 year old same thing.

These who were nostalgic could already finish game in last few months when it didnt have changes with exception of QoL stuff to remind their childhood when they played. Now its time to keep game alive so we can play few more years. Dont you think?

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Yes release was not flawless and lobby still suck, but they worked on game and fix crashes. I am not crashing anymore at all. Compare that with release. They released complicated game because it works on top of old game so i think some issues were expected.

All this has nothing to do with balance changes also so dont compare it. Dev stream showed that they know what they talk about if we talk balance.

Biggest issue is player base now, not lobby and new patch will bring back many players. That is what we need.

Lets say they will make changes to make like 10 new builds to be viable. Thats months of playing to enjoy new builds snd they have time to work on other stuff mean while.

If all they end up doing is fixing things that the North team should have fixed, I’m perfectly happy with it. I think content updates are the ones worth worrying about, things like new levels, enemies, runewords, sets, etc. That sort of stuff can quickly get out of hand. Last thing I want to see happen to D2R is for it to be afflicted by the same power creep and endgame nonsense D3 has. As for 2.4, I’m extremely happy with what’s coming, namely horribly underpowered builds being given some buffs that have been two decades overdue.


There is NO POINT fixing the lobby if the lobby is a ghost town.

The player base nose has dived to oblivion now.

The hatred towards D3 is just outrageous. There is little objectivity in any of the arguments.

Also, the “North team” was long gone, & people need to stop pretending that only they are capable of making good arpg. Look at all their games after D2?

NONE was a critical success. NONE. Many games have advance the genre by people who know how to make good arpg (obviously from D2 as a basis) like last Epoch, PoEM; Grim Dawn, Even D3 where many hatred. Every one of these has more viable builds, better melees, better class balance, end game that extend the longevity.


Dude , the upcoming changes wont effect the current skills and stuff we are using , they will just boost unused builds and skills !

Many people have the dream to finally use a teleport Bowazon without sacreficeing her Life / resist / whole inventory for Damage or Putting her high end gear so she could actually be able to do any damage in full game on Hell difficulty… !

In the upcoming patch she will be able to do hight enough damage to kill monsters in full game on Hell difficulty with a Middle gear and still to have high resists and life , same as Hammerdin , Blizzard Sorc , Light sorc , PB necro are currently able to do !

Players were waiting those changes for over 10 years!

U can still make hammerdin and play as u did before and u can still use the Enigma and Insight ! No one is forcing u to make the new builds and use the new runewords!

I don’t know why people are getting so butt hurt about this.

“If we don’t upgrade the game it will quickly die.” Really? this game is over 20 years old and still one of the best releases of Blizzard’s line up right now. You can STILL hop on the classic Bnet and find people playing this game. This game is a zombie. You can’t kill it.
I guess asked an answered though, you cannot play this Classic in HD mode now.


ptr is coming out before the patch just fyi. so to answer the question on the title of this thread:

Will there be a way to play a “pre-2.4” version of D2R?

yea probably lol

Yup, Hellgate London shut down after about 2 years and that game had employees that worked on D2.

I really, really hope they do so.

Otherwise sooner or later the majority will be back to LoD.
Until they release another remaster with the “Classic gameplay—the same Diablo II you know and love, preserved”…

Well, people might be just fine with how it is.

Take your favorite food for example, would you be happy if they change it just for the sake of changing anything?

It´s perfect the way it is - with all of its flaws contributing to that.

I am not happy with “fine”. I want greatness.

How can be something perfect with flaws? It doesnt make any sense.

Diablo 2 has many flaws to fix.

I hope there isn’t any way beside D2LOd

It’s all purists deserve after being an aggressive opposition to changes and refusing to join force in asking for a split mode

You get nothing, you lose everything