Ye the amazon voice doesn’t fit AT ALL lol
An angry mob on forums threatening to refund.
Don’t expect them to take you guys seriously.
I wonder if mods will be able to replace the texture locally; As in you will see a better moded model but online it will appear as it is to everyone else (ugly). It’s possible to do that in Battlefront for example.
I do not know what Blizzard’s longterm plans are in relation to a charm inventory.
Nobody does. Plans are just plans.
But ama is already an ugly 50+ year old man. So this topic will be hot for a looong time. Get used to it.
You keep saying that Blizzard asked people about changes in a survey. The only surveys that I have actually seen are one created by a member of Reddit named Chrompower and the one created by MrLlama for his veiwers.
Can you please link me to this survey created by Blizzard?
There are a few threads about it, they sent people emails. It is legit. I’ll try to find a link to one of the threads.
Here, he has already compiled a few of the threads: New Blizzard D2R Survey - General Discussion - Diablo 3 Forums
See this thread for the Bizzard survey:
Screenshot of Blizzard Survey - Diablo II: Resurrected / General Discussion - Diablo 3 Forums
Make sure to go through each image. My recollection is that the most relevant ones are images 6-8.
Thank you. I appreciate that.
Assassins were Arab not Asian starting from this very feared group “The word “assassin” first popped up in English around the 16th century via French and Italian from this Arabic word “hashishin”, meaning Drugged Warriors (an approximation using because of Buzzard censorship)which at that point was the commonly accepted name of the legendary Isma’ili group of assassins which had long been wiped out.”
The hashishin were indeed credited with being the first organized assassins and the name “Assassin” was derived from them. However, they were not Arabs. Rather they were mostly from Persia, Turkey and Syria. Two of these countries are not considered Arab countries. They are certainly middle eastern so you get credit for the right geographic area of the world.
I am not so certain that there would have been less of an uproar with the Assassin being depicted as middle eastern than what we are getting with the Asian.
I really do not care what race they look like as long as they look like the theme of the original Blizzard art.
[quote=“Rampage-1394, post:554, topic:27024, full:true”]
The hashishin were indeed credited with being the first organized assassins and the name “Assassin” was derived from them. However, they were not Arabs. Rather they were mostly from Persia, Turkey and Syria. Two of these countries are not considered Arab countries. They are certainly middle eastern so you get credit for the right geographic area of the world.
I am not so certain that there would have been less of an uproar with the Assassin being depicted as middle eastern than what we are getting with the Asian.
I really do not care what race they look like as long as they look like the theme of the original Blizzard art.
[/quote] Still not Asian however and no she doesn’t look like the original art, That’s the PC Agenda pushing that and ruining everything as usual
Speaking of hash-ish, that’s what they were smokin when they did some of these character models. I think they’re delaying telling us what they’re doin with the models because they’re not gonna do anything and many of us will refund.
I don’t really care about it doesn’t effect me one way or the other! But for people who get laid and don’t gloss over waifus should be expected! A lot of sad men in this thread yikes!
Jarring is a good word for it. It’s just not a great effort but we’ll see what happens. It’s funny to see some people treat this like it’s men wanting to objectify women, when the community just wants to have a face that’s not 80 years old and jarring.
so then why do you want to take away from them?
God no, NO, not again, no please god no.
WE have finally gotten an answer, in a roundabout way, as to the reason for the art direction they took with the characters.
Hell yes. Time to refound.
Nah its still not the last word, they only gave reason for their design decition but it doesnt mean they wont take community into consideration.
Keep believing !
I wouldn’t want them to delay anything to fix the models, my biggest issue with them is they look battle worn already, well for the most part. It would be nice using the aging logic to have them start out spry and ready to go and then over norm-nm-hell leveling look more rugged and beat down. Have the hardcore versions get more drenched in others giblets… dunno random thoughts.