Then there’s someone there using the same name posting in the manner there as you are here…Come on please you really expect us to believe that?
It might not be the perfect solution, but how about just including multiple options for how the characters look, this way everyone can get what they want?
It’s admirable that you want to include everyone, but when you do it the “wrong” way it’s just sadly going to fan the flames of hate…
I don’t believe going back to retcon the past is going to help us in the future.
behind the scenes just got leaked !
The funny thing is that only about 1% of players who prefer the new D2R models. If you check reddit, twitch, youtube, twitter, polls - you can easily see that ~85-95% comments are negative. ~5-15% don’t care, and like ~1% are positive about character changes. So it’s a tiny minority of players. They are forcing everyone to play as ugly abominations because of 1% of people who are somehow offended by the original design. This is just rediculuos and stupid.
Also, they already have a nice looking D2 amazon in HOTS, omg!
It would still be better than having something you don’t like forced on you, I prefer the originals as well.
Not going to give you high marks for intelligence, so just check my account post history genius.
OMG they censored the character! if only i would have known they would censored the game i would not have buy it.
They are at it again with the censorship. That is when you know they have fallen so low they can’t even get up anymore just like a big fat whale.
I will see with my cc comp to have a refund on this crap. They lied to us so i will get it no doubt but i wish they would disclose all those crap right from the start and not lie to there customers.
Also that pic you have link does not even reveal anything remotely near sexual. How can they censor something like this is beyond me.
You guys are just abusing the fact that she’s a game character to insult something. If she were an actual person you would be suspended for trash talking. You’re not even talking about anything constructive, you’re just saying something is ugly and unwelcome. These entire threads are troll grounds.
Yes, the game character. She is ugly as sin. What is your point? If I called a car ugly on a car forum, would you be there defending the rights of cars?
The amazon is ugly, unattractive, and offensive to the eyes.
Beauty matters in all aspects of life. All types of species kill their young if they are not healthy, refuse to mate with one of their own if it is not appealing. This is a reality. Hiding behind SJW sensibilities does not change this fact.
Something that is ugly IS unwelcome. It affects how we choose our house, pets, art etc. Get over yourself. It’s a game, and the Amazon if god awful ugly.
I heard you the first 100 times.
I heard you the first 100 times as well.
It’s also why lots of people are perfectly fine eating a hamburger, but the second you put BBQ sauce on a pretty horse, they’re up in arms.
I thought they tweeted she won’t be changed.
They just made sarcastic comments defending their choice. That doesn’t change the fact that she is an UGLY Amazon.
Yeah, keep telling yourself that.
I will. I live in reality.
Beauty is subjective…so I won’t disparage anyone who finds this amazon attractive…
That being said, I do find the amazon to be quite masculine in features, which I do not find attractive in a woman. If people like those features, fine…but I do argue the amazon should look like the original…and more importantly, she should look like the original sounds, as they are keeping the voice files.
Just a reminder and word of caution to keep things civil guys if you want this thread to remain - Blizz may decide to delete threads once they hit a certain threshold of “reporting” by others. And as we well know, it’s a common tactic for some to try and bait or gaslight others into saying things just to get them banned or the thread deleted.