Why is the amazon so ungodly ugly?

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Edit: I’ve seen those. They all look like great improvements. I hope they take notes from it.

Is that what he told you?

well she sure is handsome ill give you that xD prolly one of those big deck girls :wink: with a spear

I use my eyes. Just look around.

Famous Actress :
Meg Ryan
Sandra Bullock
Morena Baccarin
Jessica Alba
Keira Knightley
Megan Fox

I don’t care how amazon looks as long as she looks exactly the same as in the original D2.

Also, I’ve seen several new threads about amazon deleted recently. It seems that people are complaining A LOT. Yet, there is still no real feedback from the devs, which is very dissapointing. One single Blizz response on 22 Feb in this thread is nothing. Several months of silence, as if nothing is wrong. Imagine how many people will complain after the actual release…

Weapons: authentic.
Armor: authentic.
Skills: authentic.
Amazon face: 100% not authentic.

MrLama’s recent survey: #1 issue with the game’s authenticity and appearance is Amazon’s face.

Ask yourself why the Amazon’s face is not true to Diablo 2?

And not only inauthentic but so far off that it’s not even conceivable there was any attempt made to be authentic.

Well they’re using Dave Bautista for the Barb and not paying him royalties :upside_down_face:

No… they’re not.

How do you know?  

This is the D2:R Barbarian:

This is Dave Bautista:

Just because they both have their head shaved, doesn’t mean they’re one and the same. Dave’s face is much more rounded. (Although, he would make a good Barbarian).

I couldn’t care less about the amazon’s face, Diablo 2 is no fashion show.

It wasn’t but now it kind of is. They have added a feature that will noticeably alter they way your character appears in game and, perhaps more importantly, on a selected character screen. When the characters were just a smear of 2D pixels, appearance did not matter. Despite that, there was Blizzard produced art that showed what all the characters looked like including the young Amazon warrior. That image was ingrained in the player’s mind. The looks of the characters in game did not matter much then. We replaced them with the image in our minds. Changes in attire made mostly only small changes in the image we saw. However, now, we can see the Amazon up close and admire the gear we equip her with. We can also zoom in to see her features in game.

You may not care about the characters appearance. However, I will be checking out the character’s appearance whenever I change gear to admire or critique the new look. It is a new part of the game that I am looking forward to because it will add immersion for me. Now, I have been playing that young Amazon off and on for over 20 years. I personally do not want to look at the current manly looking Amazon for the next 20, especially now that there are new features in game that allow you to do so. All they need to do is remaster her with the new artwork not age her or make her unisex. Soften up her face a bit to make her the young Amazon that she is supposed to be. It can be done using the current artwork and a blur tool in Photoshop in a matter of minutes.

A whole lot of people that, unlike you, DO care about the Amazon’s face will be so much happier with D2R if that happens.

The difference is the woman was a paid actress of hollywood

If blizzard stopped hiring the pronoun in bio freak shows who complain about white people on twitter(WOW writer, no joke) games would be fun again.

ALL american game girls are ugly btw. surprised they didn’t make her hairy and plus size.

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Way ahead of you.

Usually they sit in the HR department and hire more of their “kind”.

Amazon, Sorc, Barb and even Charsi get her looks nerfed :frowning:

그들은 이것을 바꿀 것입니다 :



https://i.imgur.com/EIQ8jyj.jpg :upside_down_face:

You guys do realize this was the original amazon.

After seeing the Alpha, she doesn’t look that bad at all.

This “issue” is moot.

FYI all character face artworks look weird. It’s not just the Amazon.

You are also comparing an art from 1998 which is just hilarious. The artwork is probably older than most people in this forum. The Necromancer’s art for example, his face looks like a jelly that stayed too long on the sun.

Do we need to mention how different the body proportion are from the original and the remaster? I don’t think there’s a need for comment there.

People keep saying she was younger, but she was never younger. The new artwork looks good and actually looks better than the original by a landslide. So everyone that keeps suggesting that she looks worse now, are under some kind of delusion.