You do realize the world of Diablo has a different history than earth. And why would people need doctors, when they can cast healing spells and drink potions? Also, to increase your stamina, you put points into vitality.
Gal Gadot would be a perfect D2 Amazon model
I will play along:
My Favorites
Amazon - #3
Paladin - #4
Sorc - #1
Assassin - #2
Necro - #2
Druid - #3
Barb - #1B He needs to be a bit taller or just upscale the whole model a couple %.
Except in this case she needs to be blond.
[quote=“StormReaver-1628, post:289, topic:27024, full:true”]
You do realize the world of Diablo has a different history than earth. And why would people need doctors, when they can cast healing spells and drink potions? Also, to increase your stamina, you put points into vitality.
[/quote]Except not everyone could cast them or afford to have them cast on them, Just as not everyone afford a doctor here…
[quote=“MiracLe-22108, post:283, topic:27024, full:true”]
No need for a new thread. OP just has to update the first post. Many people already posted screenshots and artwork comparisons. One of the best ones is this:
Here is a comparison of the old graphics vs the new. (You can’t tell that the D2:R is a female just by looking at her zoomed in):
[/quote] Your right I do like the fifth amazon picture best
Ridiculous. Just one trip out of town gives you mountains of gold.
If you Live…
You would just respawn back in town.
Maybe only a select few have this power?
Like Hero’s perhaps
You could say, “Hero, can you get me X item?” Then when they complete that task and you’re all healed up, you could just give them a crappy ring or something. They seem to want to do tasks for unknown rewards anyways.
She rocks when she has her hair blonde:
Notice how “amazonian” her facial structure is. She really would be a perfect fit for D2 one.
I don’t know what that means. You do know that, in the Diablo universe, Amazons are actually the warrior women of Askari, right? (They have nothing to do with our real-life Amazons or even our mythological Amazons).
Nice pic of Gal Gadot as a blonde though. I’d vote for her as the D2:R Amazon. (Allow me to embed the image for you).

Not sure that Blizzard would want to spend extra in royalties for using her image though.
I don’t get all the hate for the amazon appearance. I mean its a badass warrioress. What do you expect her to look like? blonde barbie? cmon… for me she is just perfect.
She looks like Jeff Daniels in drag.
I know you are. But what am I?
I’m rubber you’re glue.
She does have a really cute Adam’s Apple.
I hope you realize all people have a larynx.
And not all females have a small larynx.
I think, i found an ideal face for Amazon)
The picture is on Reddit on r/Diablo and it is called “Faces of Month: best of the best”
Oh, thank you very much, MiracLe!
P.S. About the Sorceress. In D3 Isendra - it’s a Sorceress from D2? If answer - yes, why Blizzard don’t used her face in D2R???(((