Why is the amazon so ungodly ugly?

You do realize the world of Diablo has a different history than earth. And why would people need doctors, when they can cast healing spells and drink potions? Also, to increase your stamina, you put points into vitality. :stuck_out_tongue:

Gal Gadot would be a perfect D2 Amazon model :smile:

I will play along:

My Favorites
Amazon - #3
Paladin - #4
Sorc - #1
Assassin - #2
Necro - #2
Druid - #3
Barb - #1B He needs to be a bit taller or just upscale the whole model a couple %.

Except in this case she needs to be blond.

[quote=“StormReaver-1628, post:289, topic:27024, full:true”]
You do realize the world of Diablo has a different history than earth. And why would people need doctors, when they can cast healing spells and drink potions? Also, to increase your stamina, you put points into vitality. :stuck_out_tongue:
[/quote]Except not everyone could cast them or afford to have them cast on them, Just as not everyone afford a doctor here…

[quote=“MiracLe-22108, post:283, topic:27024, full:true”]
No need for a new thread. OP just has to update the first post. Many people already posted screenshots and artwork comparisons. One of the best ones is this:

Here is a comparison of the old graphics vs the new. (You can’t tell that the D2:R is a female just by looking at her zoomed in):
[/quote] Your right I do like the fifth amazon picture best

Ridiculous. Just one trip out of town gives you mountains of gold. :stuck_out_tongue:

If you Live…

You would just respawn back in town.

Maybe only a select few have this power?

:thinking:Like Hero’s perhaps :ok_hand:

You could say, “Hero, can you get me X item?” Then when they complete that task and you’re all healed up, you could just give them a crappy ring or something. They seem to want to do tasks for unknown rewards anyways.

She rocks when she has her hair blonde:


Notice how “amazonian” her facial structure is. She really would be a perfect fit for D2 one.

I don’t know what that means. You do know that, in the Diablo universe, Amazons are actually the warrior women of Askari, right? (They have nothing to do with our real-life Amazons or even our mythological Amazons).

Nice pic of Gal Gadot as a blonde though. I’d vote for her as the D2:R Amazon. (Allow me to embed the image for you).

Not sure that Blizzard would want to spend extra in royalties for using her image though.

I don’t get all the hate for the amazon appearance. I mean its a badass warrioress. What do you expect her to look like? blonde barbie? cmon… for me she is just perfect.

She looks like Jeff Daniels in drag.

I know you are. But what am I?

I’m rubber you’re glue.

She does have a really cute Adam’s Apple.

I hope you realize all people have a larynx.
And not all females have a small larynx.

I think, i found an ideal face for Amazon)
The picture is on Reddit on r/Diablo and it is called “Faces of Month: best of the best”


Oh, thank you very much, MiracLe!

P.S. About the Sorceress. In D3 Isendra - it’s a Sorceress from D2? If answer - yes, why Blizzard don’t used her face in D2R???(((
