Why is the amazon so ungodly ugly?

3D model =/= Artwork buddy. And her 3D model is atrocious and no amount of defending it will change that fact.

It really doesn’t look better and It’s been 20+ years since the original D2…

Did you also see the original drawings? It has the same face.

https ://i.imgur.com/ 3fVpH42.png

Looks fine to me

You do realize that people are complaining about the new artwork and that she doesn’t look beautiful enough. And they’re brining out images of young super models, when the original artwork looked nothing like they’re describing.

Original artwork is over 20 years old. Artwork get better and better with years.

Even with the old artwork in mind (which you gave highschool sketches of) she still looks better than the current D2: Resurrected model.

To me It looks 1000 times better than what we have right now and It was made over TWENTY years ago…

They are complaining for a reason smh

Comparing a sketch over 20 years old:

To some Art that Blizzard has done from, let’s say, 2012:

I mean, come on, bro.

It doesn’t look better than the new artwork.

I think you are not making a difference between concept art and fully fledged 3D model…

David Brevik resigned from Blizzard in 2003.

Here for my daily bump

[quote=“StormReaver-1628, post:347, topic:27024, full:true”]
It doesn’t look better than the new artwork.
[/quote] Your opinion doesn’t is just that others have opinions as well and nothing makes your opinion worth more than any others opinion in fact your side seems to be severely in the minority

Why does every “quote” you use end up broken?

Also : Argumentum Ad Populum

[quote=“StormReaver-1628, post:352, topic:27024, full:true”]
Why does every “quote” you use end up broken?

Also : Argumentum Ad Populum
[/quote] Meaning Your vote/opinions more important than anyone elses? How conceited you are :scream:

You’re the one who’s arguing about opinions being more important.

I’ve never said anything about opinions being more important. So, WTF?

[quote=“StormReaver-1628, post:354, topic:27024, full:true”]
You’re the one who’s arguing about opinions being more important.

I’ve never said anything about opinions being more important. So, WTF?
[/quote]Majority VSMinority your in the Minority🤦‍♂️WTF is that so hard for you to understand?:man_facepalming:

That’s an Argumentum Ad Populum. A logical fallacy.

Majority vote based on preference can be a mob mentality :

  1. People were burnt at the steak for witchcraft.
  2. The Jews were round up into concentration camps.
  3. Homosexuals were persecuted for their sexuality.

I think the amazon looks fine. I don’t care about a “majority” vote.

[quote=“StormReaver-1628, post:357, topic:27024, full:true”]
That’s an Argumentum Ad Populum. A logical fallacy.

Majority vote based on preference can be a mob mentality :

  1. People were burnt at the steak for witchcraft.
  2. The Jews were round up into concentration camps.
  3. Homosexuals were persecuted for their sexuality.

I think the amazon looks fine. I don’t care about a “majority” vote.
[/quote]Actually all of that came from a minority enforcing their will and anyone who didn’t like it and protested were tarred with same brush and punished in the same ways, Try again :man_facepalming:

Mob Mentality =/= Minority

Try what? You’re the one who’s arguing about majority/minority.

Are you trying to shift a burden of proof onto me? No thanks.