Why didn't you kick ppl before maint?

Neither did PC players. I was playing all morning and just logged out about 45 mins ago and tried to log on to “Player in a game etc.” I didn’t even know they were doing a maintenance until now.

I am glad they are as there are issues still, but like others said, they should have kicked people before the maintenance started.


Like many of you, I too am locked out. If there was an in game message I did not see it. It wasnt until I crashed and try to log back in where I found out there was a maintenance in progress and now my characters are locked.


Occam’s Razor suggests this is right. I’ve worked in many world-wide network provisioning teams, and I don’t remember a single one, no matter how small it was, that didn’t have a proper way to communicate globally over the network, and choices on how/when to gracefully shut down a network.

BTW, database validations were ubiquitous in these environments. Meaning, if you’re shutting down the network, you’re closing databases properly beforehand. Often, those databases were validated when the network returned to service as well.

This isn’t new stuff. I’ve been doing this for decades now.


I have spent more time locked out then playing the game this weekend…


Couldn’t agree more. Now they should be booting everyone out. Reboot servers, let everyone in. Problem solved. This is getting beyond stupid now.

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That would be too efficient for this company…

This. Story of my life this weekend…


Well, You don’t know that that is the problem. You are just assuming.

If the heads up warning is shorter than a poop break, then its pointless…

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So apparently maint is over, and as I suspected, I am stuck.



same… just sitting in the $40 chat room with everyone else how got f’d

Yep, still can’t join, very cool thanks. This is a mess.

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I was in-game long before they posted that teny tiny msg on the launcher about the maintianence, i get booted out of the game to character select screen(no toons popped up) so restarted game and my lvl 81 hardcore barb is dead…

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Damn im In waiting rooom also :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: char is allready playn on the server without me lol

I wouldn’t bother too much with hardcore right now. I don’t trust Blizzard when it’s running great, I sure wouldn’t risk it right now.

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I logged off as a got the 15min warning, and now am stuck. seems like a deeper issue. not sure blizzard even know at this point.

I wonder if they plan on even responding to any of these…

I had been playing since about 10 am eastern time. I never saw a message about the servers going down. I was kicked and couldn’t re enter another game. I never saw a warning pop up.

Ive been around for every single blizzard launch. This is one of the worst. Even worse than w3 reforged.

Same here, still stuck an hour after maintenance has ended. I dont expect to have this resolved any time soon, looks like my character got rolled back too which is great. Third time for me.