Characters stuck in game now. They weren’t before.
How did you manage to mess up maintenance?
Kick all players from game preventing corruption, apply fix, reboot, test fix, allow players to join back on a queue.
Blizz: “Lets allow players to stay in games while we do maint to get players unstuck. While at the same time get more people stuck in game too.”
Our game server sent a 5- and then 1-minute warning prior to shutdown. We ragequit to avoid any problems. The message could have been more explicit about staying in the game until the last second.
Yes, they’ll need yet another maintenance window to unlock all the characters they locked WITH this maintenance window…
Along with an ingame message they also have the message on the launcher. Not sure how much more you need…
As we approach the deploy time (10:30 AM PDT), we recommend that you log off prior to the servers restarting to avoid losing character progress.
Console players got 0 warning at all.
I received no such messages. And now I am stuck too.
The Launcher message is pointless if you’re in game. And it’s so easy to not see the ingame messsage if you’re focusing on the game. It’s should never, never cause locks for people. Legit spent over 20 hours locked out this weekend.
When I logged on through the launcher earlier there was no maintenance message, since they posted that after I was playing I had no idea until it was too late. How about an obvious in game announcement broadcast, perhaps a watermarked message top and center on the screen with a count down?
It didn’t say that at all… It said you might be disconnected during maint. Log out and back in if it happens…
I got no in game msg. prob because of all the load screens now in game.
Apparently they did kick a bunch of people. I was happily playing away. Blissfully unaware that maintenance was starting. At 10:30am PDT I was kicked off. Logging back in my characters were gone. gasp An hour later they reappeared and were stuck. joy
I did this. All my characters were off playing other games while I was doing this. Again…
This maintenance is a disaster lol. Who doesn’t notify their players in-game before maintenance??? Especially when they know how fragile these servers seem to be lol.
There were also ripple effects. Some got warned, others did not. We can only assume that those not warned, their servers were not impacted by maintenance.
I received no warning, been playing just fine (a long Act 1-3 Hell run). When it petered out, I tried to join a new game, it was then I was informed my characters were all already in game.
So, even if you were on a server not impacted, passing control back to the lobby was enough of a sin to get a new shiny ban from entering/creating games.
They’ll need a new maintenance window for fix all the problems created by this maintenance window. Rinse, cycle, repeat. This could go on indefinitely…
Just take the servers down until the issues are fixed.
That would be the more honest approach. A bit more communication on what they’re doing would be more helpful, too.
The manner these problems are/are not being addressed make me wonder who designed this part of the game, and just how much does one have to screw up before being fired?
message I had said it is good to play but there might be some discionnections
And when you return from those disconnections, you’ll be locked out again. At least that’s what happened to me.
We all got that message on our launchers and crap, but that’s what it is. Crap. They’re actively breaking things lol.
Being disconnected =/= being locked out of your characters for hours. They seem to have broken the game for a lot of people after doing live maintenance. Should’ve just pulled down the server for everybody.