No, really, take the hint; this game isn’t going to be balanced around PVP. They might put a tuning change in here every now and then. Don’t expect mid-season changes to balance PVP.
No, really, take the hint; this game isn’t going to be balanced around PVP. They might put a tuning change in here every now and then. Don’t expect mid-season changes to balance PVP.
we are not asking for big change pvp oriented, we are just asking for blizz to clean up the mess they did in 2.4 FOR PVP with a PVP change that DOESNT AFFECT pvm
you must’ve not been there for duels games, fighting players was a lot of fun and I made friends like that too. you had good players and bad players, heroes and villains. TOFO was a clan of trash who would 3 v 1 and nk, then taunt and act big lol…till someone decided to shut em down, then they left the game and duels continued as normal. Tysonabc was the best zeal paly I ever met, and he had a good attitude too. I met him back when he had shaefers, then the ebotd, and down the road he had a rare from baal with fools mod and other good stats.
That which you mention, is not PvP, that’s a PKer who’s so trash that they target PvM’ers who arent geared for PvP. They cant duel their way out of a paper bag, they die to PvM hdins half the time lol!
PvP is THE endgame, it’s why you search for the best in slot gear. you dont need top of the line equipment to PvM, because demons are weak compared to our beefy heroes. the FHR “fix” is just for PvM’ers who dont run around with a minimum of 40 FHR, and actually run instead of walk(which slashes FHR and %block chance down to like a max of 5% lol).
Yep, thats right everyone. Running destroys your FHR and Block chance, thats why duelers dont run, they teleport and walk really really fast.
Someone who joins a PvM game to kill players is not in the same level as someone who duels in dueling games, they are pathetic trash who only know how to attack but not how handle someone who can fight back. they probably dont even have stacked res on their paly, for example, and get one-shot by a fireball sorc lol
Go ahead, post more opinion. Just telling you what their track record has been for this game, and others.
why are they ignoring new ladder?
I’ve dueled in this game and I’ve PvP’d in other games. I just don’t know how much I consider dueling “PvP” and there’s really nothing to gain from it.
I have done 3 games of LoL, my team sucked and i lost because of them so the game is bad !
Also it seems very easy to play. I was using a big guy whirling with a sword ! LoL sux
/jk but i think you get the point. A few games of pub duels is maybe a sample a bit too weak too understand what you are talking about, and i suspect you didnt do more than that. Of course i could be wrong, and either way you are free to have your own opinion of the matter. Just as we are. I have played a large amount of games at various lvl (dnd recently, lol, wow, wc3, some fps etc) and i have rarely found as much fun in pvp that in diablo 2
We love this game and only want good things for it. For both who pvm and pvp. This is incredibly important to preserve D2Rs longevity. Please dont ignore us!
Late September for the season, maybe a PTR comes out soon to test changes and we can give feedback?
@MR.Blizzard Hi, why you ignore?
it’s fixed get over it. find a new meta.
Please help the pvp communities stay alive by adjusting the immunity frame or reverting to 2.3 entirely.
Please help, fix d2r fhr this upcoming patch
for the same reason I am about to ignore all the alts spamming the forums for something that is a waste of time. /Ignore
… not so bad … ignore list only has 45 [mostly alts] in it
Thanks for doing Gods work and keeping our threads Bumped Champ. The D2R PvP community thanks you for your services.
Please bring back FHR!
thanks for your support old man
Make PVP great again
Where all my FHR advocates at
Where all my hardcore PVP griefers at