Whirlwind is Super Buggy [Video]

This needs more visibility.


Not exactly sure about that one either.

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bumping daily until blizz responds

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ty it is much appreciated

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Fix please. That bug overnerfs barbarian in pvp

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Fix this BS. Barb was my absolute favorite character in legacy and it’s completely unplayable. PvP is a joke and PvM is just annoying. I can’t even play the character that I spent the majority of my D2 legacy time on, the character that made me fall in love with this game. Severely disappointed.


BUMP OF JUSTICE FOR THE LIVES OF ALL WW BARBARIANS!! Yes, Blizzard that was a complete sentence.

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Whirlwind is life, Whirlwind is love.

Save Barbarians

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please fix or at the very least acknowledge it

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No news in the new patch 2.4 PTR notes unfortunately

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This really does need to be fixed, melee needs love too blizz.

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Bump to bring some visibility :slight_smile:

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Posting again here to complain about possible changes to barb. So no WhirWind fix but you are going to break leap? I don’t get it… What did Barbs do to you blizz? Leave my main alone.


I think leap change doesnt matter much, you cant chain stun people because of fhr immunity anyway… But yeah Barb lost a tons of utility in TvT. Are they nerfing BO next XD?

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fix that. i noticed it when i started to play a barbarian. The d2r barb is awfull…


[quote=“SuperFOB82-1217, post:76, topic:86804, full:true”]
Posting again here to complain about possible changes to barb. So no WhirWind fix but you are going to break leap? I don’t get it… What did Barbs do to you blizz? Leave my main alone.[/quote]

Ty appreciate the bump


Bump, great post showing the skill needs work.


Please fix this issue!


Yes please :smiley: Patch 2.4 on the horizon :pray:

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Fix pls for the love of all that is decent

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