How so? It’s perfectly fine. If you were expecting new content, you haven’t been paying attention. OG d2 lasted for 20 years. D2R is a great remaster. Updated graphics, some small QoL stuff, and even some additions and build changes.
Because of online mods
OG D2 lasted 20 years because of mods? Do you have a comprehension problem. He didn’t say PD2 lasted 20 years. Sekscalibur/Bravata/claymore12 still doesn’t recognize 99.999% of all OG D2 fans dislike all those trash mods, get out.
Lol? 1.10 compared to CL and OG LoD release is like mod expansion.
D2 officialy died with 1.10, rest activity was jsp rmt botting game and mods.
Yeah I know how easy it is to run Prayer + Insight + Cure on A2 while rolling Conviction. I did it last ladder to much success playing solo but I feel like rolling Cleric from the start and opening up Mercenary options. Maybe A1 Faith or A1 Mist, A3(yeah I meant that) or A5. Heck A2 w/ Doom would be quite interesting. Just feel like doing something different than the age old Conviction Pally early on(despite how stupidly helpful it happens to be).
Edit: I’d also love to see Flickering Flame counterparts for Resist Cold and Resist Lightning to give a bone for Cold/Lightning Act 3 Merc’s.
I think a lot of that is how Cold/Light was always just way stronger than fire to begin with.
Everyday I just hope for stackable runes and gems, with a dedicated/organized stash tab sold as microtransaction (I would pay for that in a heartbeat).
Take one from the PoE book, Blizzard.
Just imagine a rune/gem exclusive tab, organized and stacked.
Hard to see ppl making such improvements in mod versions and the base game just staying the same.
I prefer the limited space personally Can’t stand PoE and it’s currency tab crap.
are u rly trying to kill POE 2 early access ? instead of letting us play for 1or 2 weeks before poe 2 ea.
but blizzard must choose this day for sure, so my friends and me will enjoy poe2
Every game can’t possibly account for every other games events that may hold any random gamers interest. If POE2 is more important to you, play that instead. D2:R is a remaster, so you won’t be missing anything that you haven’t already experienced.
Do you enjoy having mules for everything?
Actually yeah. I much prefer the inventory management aspect than just watching number go up. Sort of why I enjoyed crafting in a game like EQ more than WoW. Crafting arrows by moving the arrowhead, shaft, nock, and fletching into the fletching kit one by one was just more entertaining to me than fill inventory with bars/herds, click craft watch 50 be made.
The issues with that type of storage is it leads to hording useless stuff “just because.” Like PoE… where you hold onto 50 different currencies you’ll never use because “why not I have infinite space.” Leads to just picking up random crap all the time.
D2 doesn’t even have that many currencies worth holding on to. Mid/High runes, keys, and p gems is really about it. Just keep 3 of each low rune and never look back, and nothing bother grabbing anything less than a flawless.
Even if a currency tab were to come, which would no doubt be limited itself, people would still have mules… Because that’s what hoarders do… They always be hoarding. A little more space is a little more room for a little more stuff.
Most of one of my shared tabs is for runes, half of another is for gems, so I understand the request.
Yeah I use one for runes, one for gems/jewels and an empty one to transfer. It’s kind of all you need.
I’d much rather they fix mosaic, the decoy bug, the run in place bug, and a host of other issues than waste time on something we didn’t need for a decade and a half.
You don’t need it, until you have it.
You don’t have actual arguments, it’s just personal taste of wasting time with sorting your stash than just playing the game.
You can’t look to what it was for 20 years and just say it can’t be better. What would be the answer? Keep as is?
I think the gameplay and speed to what current players (not only Diablo) are used to shifted too much from a 20 year design.
Ok, it’s a remaster, but if they were invested enough to create Mosaic (that changed too much the game for everyone), what’s blocking them from implementing simple QoL? Not specifically stash tabs, maybe only stacking runes? A sorting button so the runes be in order?
Maybe that type os accesibility would open new opportunities for trading, instead of just leaving something on the ground, that could be useful for someone who was willing to trade for.
But, maybe I’m being a hypocrite and that’s also just my personal opinion/taste.
Anyway, I love the game and wish it was the core Diablo option to this day. Can’t stand to play D4 for more than an hour.
Also wenn der reset am 06.12. ist, habt ihr doch komplett den Verstand verloren!
Was ist bitte so schwer alle drei Monate alles auf 0 zu setzen?!
Am 06. werden die meisten wohl bei POE reingehen
A Dec. 7th reset would be nice. Give POE2 the 6th. It already got pushed back from end of November, what’s 1 more day?
Currently season’s die after a week. Needs something new.
If Blizzard had a solution to stop the botting, seasons would last longer.
Lets put this magnificent AI to use against the botters, Micro$oft/Blizzard. AI vs bot showdown. AI determines humans are responsible for bots. Skynet takes over, decides eliminating humans is the solution to stop botting.
I don’t know what you all mean. I feel pretty much unaffected by botters. Who cares if Shakto is worth 1000 fg or not, its a silly item anyway. Other than that runes like Jah have pretty stable prices throughout the season. And again, I don’t care if Jah is worth only 20 fg at some point, cuz fg is a cheat anyway. I’m thinking in Ist runes, and its pretty hard to acquire a Jah by collecting Ists. So, if you drop jsp and play the real game you will see that bots don’t influence anything for real.