I expected to see an official ladder reset announcement yesterday, which never happened. Today is the absolute last day for a two week notice for a ladder reset at the end of this month, and that’s with the ladder resetting on Saturday, November 30th, which normally ladders reset on Friday.
PezRadar, you’re doing a fantastic job ignoring the D2:R community. It takes what, a minute or two to copy/paste a season reset notice template, modify the season # and dates and post it here? Come on.
Edit - Update from PezRadar:
So we’re probably looking at a reset on December 6th, that is if they are sticking with Friday resets.
I was wondering about the ladder reset myself. I haven’t played in ages and was super itching to get back into it, then heard about upcoming season 9 and saw the tweet.
Adam said on Twitter that there will be a reset for the new season at the end of this month, but there have been no reports about blue stickers so far. Perhaps in Blizzard’s view, D2R is not as important and can only wait for Blizzard’s information…
All D2R resets so far have been on Thursday, but yeah. I’m guessing we’ll get a reset blogpost this Tuesday, we’ll see though. Sucks that Pez doesn’t share the same info here as he does on X.
Can’t wait for another reset with no introduction of badly needed QoL, no deletion of mosaic, no new content, no rebalancing, no action against the billions of bot accounts, and no mention of the horrible state battle net is at.
It would be amazing 3 hours of feeling a fresh state until the bots start supplying everyone and their grandma with ber runes ^^ Thanks for looking after the community blizzard
Some people have jobs where requests for days off must be done two weeks or more in advance. Some people like to request a day or two off to binge play the first few days of the ladder. Just because you don’t care to doesn’t mean others don’t.
You’re taking off for a D2r reset?? You cannot contend with the bots anyways bro just play normal hours lol. Unless you’re loading up multiple instances to MF then you’re using some trade site or JSP or just casually playing which is also fine.
Actually I could see binging D2 since D4 is so bad. Keep up the fun
True, after all, the only reassurance of the date window we have right now is from Blizzard’s community manager post. Why would ANYONE at this point believe anything Blizzard employees say?
Jokes aside, I do hope it is a post-Christmas thing, otherwise I’ll just be back for S10 instead, I guess.
dang is D2R really down that bad? A lot of doom and gloom in this thread. Bots suck yeah but you’re not helpless to acquire things and profit before they do. They’re definitely not competing with you for the race to 99 or to get the first torches. Yes they farm high runes but I thought we have accepted that.