Where is my character?

all servers are down. bugs are still with us. for 20 years!
wtf is wrong with this game??
i hope you guys get your characters back

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battle net client has an update… says they are looking into it

There is a error message on the blizz net launcher saying they are aware of the issue.

My character is gone, too!!! take my character back!!!

I found my char are still in my “Saved game” file… so at least they aren’t completely gone… go to C:\Users\Saved Games\Diablo II Resurrected

Sounds like that this server update deleted a ton of characters… with any luck they will be back after the update. Though if not… this is what blizzard told me.

Perhaps they wanted to launch the ladder

It’s like my hero line wars. To put protection on the bank, o must record data according to a certain formula. And since this formula did not exist initially, the data was overwritten.

But if the information remained on Blizzard’s servers. Maybe they’ll fix it. Or they just apologize.

I got the same problem, no more character from this minute

All of my characters are gone too.

Please tell me the past 2 weeks have been for naught…