Where is my character?

same here, i lost all of my characters. happening on both windows and xbox

This is a little ridiculous Blizz, If you can’t fix the disappearing character problem then i want my $40 back… This isn’t a new problem…


I got the same problem, no more character this morning…

Same here, All my toons gone. Even the wife is pissed and she isn’t playing d2r…

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Same here. Great work, Blizzard, you had one job.

I can’t post any new posts, my characters lost tooooooooo

same here all my chars dissapered

I have exactly the same issue, I hope this will be fixed and everything will return.

our characters burn in hell :rofl:

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Same with me. All Online characters are gone. Maybe a server disconnect?

same on me. All on/off characters were disappeared.

same here… my ice witch is gone

All my chars has gone. Blizzard WTF

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Same here lost everything …

Can’t believe a company can’t even fixed a 20 years old game. After the spectacular failed on warcraft reforged I was hopping a better result Thanks for wasting players time Blizzard …

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I think we have lose connection to the game servers as we can not make new characters ether

I mean… After I played World of Warcraft TBC Classic and experienced how Blizzard handled stuff, I really was not expecting much out of Diablo 2 Resurrected. But little did I know… You guys never fail to amaze me ahhahaha
If there will be another game of Blizzard that I am going to purchase I really will start to question myself.

Yes the server is offline. If you log with the offline char selected last they will come as default. And if you select online then you ll get a popup saying “cannot connect to server”.
They should put this popup by default.

Let’s pray that they didn’t lose any data :frowning:

20 more years and they might have a bugless game


Still no update from Blizzard on this?

Not yet. Granted, its 7am on the pacific coast and the issue is still less than 20minutes old. we’ll hear something on twitter or some such in an hour at the earliest.