Are there any other events planned other than the holiday event?
Alright, so you said not to expect any changes in specifically season 5. This in a way insinuates that we will be getting some updates at some point in future ladder seasons. We got sunder charms, terror zones, 8 new rune words. All are EXECELLENT updates. Why haven’t we received any further dev feedback or slight updates? At the very minimum tone down Mosaic’s just a tad bit.
While D2/D2R is a classic game, it is still a great game that you spent a ton of $$ remastering, and is actively played. I get that there is no monetization in D2R, that your profit/loss margin was purely on sales of the remaster. But, that doesn’t mean there isn’t room for some slight monetization if that’s what it takes to get future updates.
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I’m pretty sure Pez was referring to the 22 Nights of Terror event.
Rob Gallerani is no longer employed at Blizzard as of approximately 2 years ago. Apparently they’ve been in no rush to replace him either.
D2:R has been on the back burner because of Diablo 4, and I think it’s no secret that D2:R is no longer a lucrative game.
True enough, but it is very bad PR for your company to be known for abandoning “live service” games not even 2 years after release. Gives one pause in purchasing other products in the future. Dedicating some resources to this is an investment in future games.
I’d understand the live service argument if D2:R was an original game… However it technically being a remaster leaves room for exception, because the big question is; “How many changes does it take for it to cease being a remaster and instead become a different game entirely?” Obviously it’s a huge grey area without a definite answer from the community.
Hey Google, what does “live service game” mean?
“Live service games, also known as “Games as a Service” (GaaS), are games that are designed to be ongoing, with regular updates that add new content or gameplay experiences. These games are usually always online and multiplayer, and often receive free updates. The goal is to keep players interested in the game over time by selling them recurring content.”
OK, that being said, lets focus on the last sentence… “The goal is to keep players interested in the game over time by selling them recurring content.” OK, lets zoom in a bit more… “Selling them recurring content.”
D2:R hasn’t really gotten what I would consider “content” since its release. It’s gotten plenty of Quality of Life additions. It’s gotten some runewords. It’s had a few tweaks here and there. They STILL HAVEN’T MOVED CAIN NEXT TO THE STASH IN ACT 5!!!.. deep breath
But content? Outside of the graphics overhaul, no, not really. Content IMO would be in the form of an expansion bringing a new act/story and/or a new class.
I agree with you, man … I think they don’t realize that should they create some new content and put it out there for sale … there are a lot of us that would indeed buy it. The money is there to be made … problem is, it would detract from their dismal failure at D4 and further failure to revive it … they refuse to admit that it is a money pit.
Leave D4 as it is … continue your microtransactions, do minor updates, etc … but invest in your core franchise game that still can make you money … stop being personal in your failure and think business … think make money … you can sell expansions to D2/D2R … there are players willing to buy it …
those that started with D4 will probably stay … those that tried it from D2/D2R, very few stayed, most returned … clean the game up and release expansions and make yourselves some money … and by all means, stop rushing productions for release thinking of short-term money … get back to what [at one time] made you a great company
Look at Classic WoW. It was remastered…then shortly after Blizzard produced, Season of Mastery, then Hardcore WoW (An outside sourced, fan based concept), and now Season of Discovery.
No excuse for D2R to not continue to adhere to that niche crowd. If they don’t want to put the effort or work into it themselves, then at the very least either bring on board the Path of Diablo or PD2 team to work and iterate on it, or open the the usage of the IPs graphic engine for someone that will.
If Blizzard was willing to meet with and work with the Hardcore wow addon developers to incorporate that into classic wow, then why not work with outside d2 mods to further iterate on D2R.
I’m not sure if you thought of this, but there is one huge advantage that WoW has over D2:R… WoW has a constant income stream.
That makes a big difference when it comes to scheduling available development time for a game, especially when you want to keep that crowd providing that stream of income interested in the game.
Don’t think for one moment that they’ll dip into WoW’s profits to support providing free content for D2:R, because they won’t.
Like it or not, money makes the world go round.
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because people play monthly to play WoW. it’s really not the same. no way in hell i’m playing ANY game that has a monthly subscription, WoW apes have ruined gaming by sticking with it all these years, they expect gamers to open their wallet like that when it’s only actual beta simps who play WoW.
TAKE MY MONEY !! is basically what blizzard wants out of us, no thinking, just handing them money.
not very many, but i do expect it to have the basic things that the game had check watch 24 years ago… like being able to chat out of game find people to play with.
idgaf about balance changes at this point.
whats keeping me from playing is the spambots and my inability to block them.
thats literally it.
give is an offline block list… give us the ability to manually filter messages.
and i’ll play again… but until i can effectively chat in lobby and find people to play/ trade with im not pickup up d2:R