What the point of playing if your items gets deleted

So I have messaged blizz telling them how I have lost my tals weapon, Ber rune and my tals armor due to their buggs or w.e it is. and just last night near midnight my entire inv and stash started to flash on and off making my inv and stash items disappear and appear (but nothing got deleted that time).
After back and forth with blizz they told me to write here as if its going to matter really since all they can do is “apologize” … so whats the point of playing and investing so many hours into this game just to be told sorry when your rarest items gets deleted out of nowhere?
blizz I expect some answers regarding this and no I do not accept any of your apologies.

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oh wow! all those hours put in the game all gone and they wont even restore it.

Request refund from them asap

Yeah… refund won’t work…

I had a bug happen to me where I lost everything. I contacted blizz and after some back and forth; found out that nupe… no item or character restoration… even if the issue was caused by them… and also nupe… no refund cause you played the game (well duh… till it started deleting my stuff haha)

So sorry to say… but it’s gone gone. I myself am waiting till ladder S1 and hoping these are fixed…
Cause yeah… what is the point of playing this game if your items just get deleted on a whim with no hope of restoration?