What is going on with your console servers?

Seem’s like people really can’t comprehend what is going on. They gave us the information. You’re asking blizzard to attempt to throw money at the issue. There is a reason DDOSing exist, no server in the world can handle an infinite number of connections simultanesously.

#1 issue with consoles people forget is the first party certifications. PC’s can be fixed in real time, nintendo, xbox, playstation, require you’re patch to essentially be given a wait time before reaching production. This alone causes them to not be able to mitigate issues as they arise, add features, makes changes to connections, etc. This is also why the game is cross save and not cross play… cross play the console companies have to essentially be willing to allow the game to be patched as often and as frequently as its PC counterpart. The game could have been fixed a week ago… but consoles aren’t allowed to be fixed that fast.

#2 the faucet statement… it’s essentially load balancing. it’s Obvious that consoles and PC aren’t using the same technology, features, etc. this is more than likely due to their ability to address PC issues without any red tape, whereas consoles have to wait. PC’s issues were mostly solved with adding a queue… you can’t compare what a PC is capable of and what consoles are capable of, because of #1#1 is the main issue.

#3 it’s this is all because of #1 #1 #1 #1 #1. why do you see consoles get a package of updates and PC’s got one yesterday, several days ago, will get more tomorrow, a few days after and steadily improve? They aren’t allow to manage their own game as they want to because of #1.

I’m really disappointed by lack of customer support on consoles. Just empty excuses without a proper action. For the past 3 weeks we weren’t able to enjoy product which was falsely advertised to us with things like: grab some friends and enjoy up to 8-player co-op or support for cross-progression—take your progress wherever you play where console version is plainly unplayable online. In countries like Australia laws protect customers against falsely advertised products. This is the last time I’m paying full price on any Activision/Blizzard game.

P.S.: I’m actually shocked that you stuff in our face release of PC patch which broken our ability to play, what we need is console being treated equally as we pay the same price and get secondary priority.


I do not disagree with you except pc ver is solved? It creates more complaint with their queue system too, and we will see the same one this hit the console few days later

at least finally know what happen so many day cannot login at asia night time .
i tot is punishment for asia players…lol

The real solution would be to change the server system so the capacity matches the demand. I get it that it’s easy to underestimate the demand, but incresing server capacity should be the solution, not the queue system.

Why don’t you make a blue post about this in Consoles Forum since us peasants don’t have voices in “General”


Yea, this is a huge bummer. I got it on console and every morning after i work my night shift I try to play and it doesn’t work. Really disappointing, especially after busting my rear all night. Hoping blizzard can get this going soon.

I recommend allowing my battlenet characters be transferred to offline so we can still play.

I also then would like to bypass battlenet and be able to host my own game with a friend or two.


None of that makes up for or explains the mass incompetence of the last THREE weeks. It also doesn’t make it right that they refuse refunds. It also doesn’t explain why offline is broken with roll backs and stash wipes. Also doesn’t make it right that they are STILL selling it as a completed working product, whilst none of it works as intended.

While you’re technically right, they should have anticipated the whole traffic thing. The fact that people can lookup how to play a certain way is such bs. I did pindleskin runs 20 years ago, and everybody else too.


Also I’d like to add they’re trying to silence complaints. They took down my post of where to email Xbox VP and CEO about this stating it was against community standards?? Thanks I’ll email them again now to let them know this action has been taken, and you’re actively trying to quell any complaints or actions taken against you.


Thats just not fair to console players at all, we all paid for the game just like pc, if youre going to implement an update for pc console should have the update the same day. That just makes no sense.

If I am going to be quasi locked to offline, can I at least get /players X functionality to consoles?

This would ameliorate the problem and at least simulate multiplayer…

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Do your job and make an official post in this console forum instead of just replying to a thread which will eventually get buried.

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Just emailed Nintendo to have the game removed from their eshop,
didn’t ask for a refund, contacted Nintendo support instead.

I like the game, I want to keep it, and I want it to work.

The game is fantastic when it works, but as of late it almost never does.

We are this company’s bosses. This is because we have what they want, money. When they don’t perform their job in any satisfactory way, rather than acting childish, we have to treat that employee like a professional. Having the game removed from the e-shops until it works is what any responsible company manager would do. The reprimanding comes later.


I thought the same thing. What the heck does this matter. That’s a diversion.

Honestly if they would just communicate with us, a lot of us would be more understanding. We’re all human, and if the release really is much bigger than anticipated then tell us what’s going on.

Tell us why the servers are jacked up and why we can’t play. When you anticipate it’ll be up and running.

Tell us the reason why there are no custom lobbies and an in game chat.

I’m really at a loss, remembering the old game and wondering how they had de-railed this so badly.

They HAVE to know we are all upset.


Careful, they will remove this, I posted how to contact Microsoft and they took it down saying it was against community standards???

Telling us, that stuff WE do is against community standards - is rich. Oh the irony.

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True. If they can just get more servers and not treat D2R players second rate service, this will somehow alleviate the problem.

*see my previous post above


Exactly that.

Cyberpunk on series X was fine at the release. I played over 100 hours easily.

They still offered me a refund for 3 months after my purchase.

Now we have D2R that I can’t even start, I asked for a refund but I got too far into the game.

Game was working fine on the release, now they completely broke it and don’t want to refund.

This was the last amount of money that Blizzard will get from me for sure. At this point it’s not even about the money, it’s how they f***ing handled the customer service with their automated response.

If you refund people that ask for it now, they might purchase it again later when it’s fixed. Refuse their refund and you just made sure that you lost that customer.