That’s really uncalled for.
That would require a patch.
Last blizzard game I’ll ever buy which is unfortunate because I love Diablo…
Console releases missing HUGE chunks of content (actually matching with players online, communication, offline players X, etc) then when server issues happen console gets locked out so that pc can play. Absolute garbage to treat customers this way and I am ashamed of having purchased this multiple times. Enjoy my money on this one Blizz because anything you are involved with in the future will be untouched by me.
Queue system broke the game, 1000% worse for PC players.
Cant log in, No updates, Never had such issues with D2.
Bring back TCP that we can play off battlenet. And let us get our characters off battlenet.
Reason D2 classic lasted so long is that it did not rely on a broken battlenet.
This makes WoW3 mess look like a dream.
I don’t care, just to make it happen!
Did the blue post seriously say that console players can’t login because certain “faucets” are turned off… What the hell. Just let us play I bought the game for 40 euros same as everyone else.
No ideal? I can’t connect the whole weekend! Honestly i am a patient person but this ist ridicoulus and i swaer, u guys should be happy that i live in germany and not next door to your company…
Your behavior in this case is so dissapointing and respectless to us… it is hard not to get in rage and stay calm.
But hey u got our 40 € right?
Yes that is what it said. It pleased the PC crowd at least
Yesterday I was able to play got my sorc through normal and nightmare, took multiple attempts to connect but it eventually did, today its just not possible apparently.
Here is what I know… I am a very patient person when it comes to bugs etc… I have had the same downtime as everyone else and haven’t ranted and raved or trolled… However when I am sitting and listening to my husband play from 9am Saturday until he goes to bed at 430am Sunday (18 hours) with only only minimal wait times on his PC while I got to play to play a total of 5 hours…. from noon until 5pm on Saturday before my game crashed… And here it is 6am Sunday and I am still unable to access characters I have spent hundreds of hours on at this point it makes my patience of raising 4 teenagers dissipate into thin air and become infuriated.
Then I am being told “play offline” which to be frank makes me want to slap someone also … I’m sorry I don’t feel like, nor should I have to, spending hundreds more hours (a vast majority of which were spent with my husband and not by myself since we have multiple Xbox’s) doing a solo character because I have sidelined because I am on console. Believe it or not it is not by choice but due to health issues I cannot sit at a PC and game like I used to.
Same here, connected twice yesterday, took 15mins first time, 45mins second time. Been sat here for over 3hours now attempting to connect, but apparently no one is turning the faucets for console anymore…
Don’t play offline, the forum’s are full of offline characters having rolled back from the high 80s to lvl 16. Or their stash randomly wiping all items out of it. Literally none of the game works currently.
So yeah, it just comes down to accepting we won’t be able to play for the upcoming days.
This is fairly outrageous. Definitely making an ACCC complaint.
I bet the play button issue after that update a few days ago was actually done on purpose as a way to prevent console players from jamming up the servers. I was pretty shocked that an update would be pushed without any QA at all. Makes a bit more sense with this latest development. Savvy players find a work around so the response is just to turn off “faucets” server side.
9hr ago i tried to connect into D2 from my ps5. but the server is unresponsive. now i come back to home, and the situation is still the same. the fact that we payed for a game that we cannot play, is unbelevable, considering everyone payed the full price for this damn product. when we will be able to play again?
Did anyone manage to log in online on ps5 recently? Just so I know if its a lost cause to still try.
They said they will fix the queue to include us hopefully withing a week… Hopefully… Until then we can do nothing at all as even offline is broken… Falsely advertised this as completed and ready to play… Doesn’t work in any capacity. Which is against trading and advertising standards
Console patches have a long certification process, so it can take a week or two for any fixes to bugs or stability improvements to hit on console compared with PC.
While it sucks to not be able to play, I’ll take the silver lining that since there’s so many people -trying- to play, that it should help with getting into games with people once they sort the server/database stability.
Hopefully some improvements will be had with matchmaking and chat (lobbies like PC would be great) as well once they can stop putting out these database fires and start having some time available for evaluating QoL improvements.
How do you underestimate the scope and infrastructure for D2R?
That’s what I don’t get…I understand the fixes and the explanation but how did you “vastly underestimate” as you say in your own words the playerbase for D2R?
I don’t get that.