This company deserves to go bust, you can’t treat your customers like this ffs.
It will go bust. 0 innovation. How many times can they remaster and rehash the few original ideas from 20 years ago?
And break them while doing so no less, over an hour trying to get online, but ofc someone is “manually turning the faucets” yeah probably also for pc!
Screw the majority, favour the minority! And then keep selling a completely broken hot mess to more people on console so they can bleed this product dry before it dies
It’s kinda funny how this happens just after there two week return policy date
2 weeks? after 3 days i asked for and they said I have to talk to sony… And i don’t want a refund, i don’t want a free Ber or something… All I want - and all others too - is that promised game
Hi guys im from germany. My english is not good enough somehow to really understand the blue post. Could someone help me to understand whats the situation for us ps4/5 users? I think i read one more week of waiting for the game? Thanks in advance
You’re asking waaaay too much from blizzard. Support a product they mis sold you? Never!
No que for console, can’t play when pc has a que. They MIGHT fix it in a week or so.
Keine Warteschlange für Konsole, kann nicht gespielt werden, wenn der PC eine Warteschlange hat. Sie KÖNNTEN es in einer Woche oder so reparieren.
In short, the game for console players will be unplayable until the next patch, which is expected next week.
I mean they lock out console players to make pc players happy but they’re just mad because they have to wait in a que lol
Pretty much anyone that pre ordered or bought on release csnt get a refund by the looks of their disclaimer
They didn’t even have the decency to use a little bit of spit before royally shafting the majority to make the pc cry babies happy
Please Give us a refund
Hear that console players?
were not deserving of having the server “faucets” turned on for us.
Glad they said the quite part outloud finally at least
Really could not care any less about u not beeing able to play.
The lack of communication for us console players is off the charts. Two days of absolute 0 possibility to play on ps5, and no statement on issues is baffling.
Just give us a possibility to copy all our online chars and mules to offline and don’t even give us possibility to go back online with them. I would be more than happy with that!
But this no-communication business is just f*ed up!
TLDR At this point we just consider console players female employees and are treating them as such.
Shame on you Blizzard.
Im waiting with my 5 friends since a week to play.
Now i have to go and search by myself for any information about whats going on, and there is no communication from your side.
Now after a week of not being able to play with my friends, you tell us we have to wait another week?
My question is after this week, what will you tell us if its still not working?
We deserve the truth.
Yep think most console players now want compensation
Should be a 50% refund for those who want to keep the game knowing it needs to be fixed and maybe upto 6 months at this rate before its actually a reliable playable experience
And those that are just meh I’m done!!
Full refund
I havent been able to play for the entire day. Whats going on…
Ich war wirklich begeistert von der Firma … aber das ist schon lange her. Mittlerweile zeigt Blizzard nur noch Unfähigkeit. Und dazu paart sich jetzt auch noch ein gewisser Plattform-Rassismus.