The fact that a console gamer needs to dig this deep into a forum post to figure out what is going on is unacceptable. You have a twitter account - make use of it and communicate it to your customers. Can’t go and effectively switch off a product to customers without giving them a heads up. A lot of us have had to deduce what is going on with our consoles by reading a patch note meant for PC’s. Come on man - I work in client services in a 3rd-world country, and even we’re more on the ball than you guys. Poor.
TLDR: pc is more important, we don’t actually offer support or online for console even though you paid the same as pc and pay monthly to play.
We also won’t be fixing it anytime soon, try single player and lose all your gains there too!
Why would you even try to play the game instead of helping to fix it for your customers first? Traffic is too high and Blizzard employees are actually lengthening the queue for their customers? And should you not be a technician, but a forum moderator or similar, shouldn’t you use your time to communicate with your customers instead? How many Blizzard posts or comments have there been during the recent days (just counted, 7 posts since beginning of October… this says everything)? Are you actually working?
Console players out here like Michael Jackson “they don’t really care about us”
I don’t know about the game but this is not the same Blizzard we had before.
This is absolutely disgusting behavour, it’s completely unacceptable to treat your customers this way.
If you couldn’t get your act together, you shouldn’t have released the game.
Your level of incompetence is outstanding and reprehensible.
The game should be removed from console until it’s in an acceptable state, and as a gesture of good will, all console players should be offered refunds.
I’m angered and saddened by your sheer disregard for your paying customers.
Not to defend blizzard because this is unacceptable, community managers don’t fix the servers of games. They relay information and as such they don’t deserve our anger. You may be surprised to know most devs get no say in choices like the one that has alienated console players.
I find think they meant they were playing at work you know. There’s a lot of problems here but I don’t think this is one of them.
Yah, he/she is just saying that they have “difficulty” to play, while most (or all?) of us cannot play at all
“I know it’s not ideal” applies to the many in game bugs, and features that were excluded from consoles. Not being able to connect for this significant portion of the games opening weeks …is just a scam at this point.
I’m thoroughly disappointed with the entity that decided to push a patch that locks out a significant portion of customers from enjoying the product as intended in favor of having the product function for another portion of customers…
I also feel sorry for vicarious visions who made a briliant remaster of a long loved classic and fantastic game, which now due to poor decisionmaking gets compared to the likes of anthem and cyberpunk…this is not the Blizzard I grew up to love…
What really makes me sick, is they’re still selling it on console so more and more people can’t play. They continue to sell this knowing the people buying it can’t play it! Even offline is broken with rollbacks and stash wipes, yet still they push and advertise a completely broken product, knowing it’s broken, knowing they won’t be able to play… This is the single worst launch/support in gaming history…
If you’re a community manager, then take care of all communities including the one for consoles. Don’t play the game, but use your time to communicate with your customers instead.
Of course 20 or 50 Blizzard employees playing or not won’t make a difference on log in queues etc., I’m criticizing for not doing their job.
Be sure to contacts PSN/Nintendo/Microsoft to lean on these dirty little dealers to actually solve our problem, or pull the game from their online stores like they did with cyberpunk. As this is more broken than cyberpunk, but only for console players. Make the bigger companies force Blizzard to up their game and hurt their pocket
Why there is no response form Blizz for problems in console!?
You are talking crap, noone could Log in at this time on Console!
There is literally a bluepost response in this thread.
There was went like this:
Pc is sorted, we might sort console in a week or so, until then enjoy not playing the product you paid for sucka
Someone is preparing patch which prevent you from playing game for which you paid, and then said “We know its not ideal fix”.
Have no words for behaviour like this.
I have even try to refund this crap product but Microsoft do not like to give money back.
There is only one good aproach never ever buy Blizzard game again.
I’m done with blizzard, I think they’ve ensured no console player will be buying diablo 4.
The fact they will screw us over to help pc, even though we don’t have the full game experience, working servers, working offline mode etc is beyond disgusting.
We paid the same price, but only pc gets tech support?