What is going on with your console servers?

Agreed. Ps4 saves are heavily encrypted. Storing characters on servers is pointless. Better yet blizzard should let psn run the game if they cant.


If you fell for fyre festival
 All of them, it would seem.

Vaya con dios amigo

Same here just watched it happen

It’s infuriating to see people just come online and get in instantly while I’ve been here for hours

Seems that once a spot opens first to click gets in. Totally random at this point.

Which means if you want to play you have to keep staring at the online screen and clicking every min. In the hopes that one day you can play the game you paid for.

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Am Freitag gab es einen PC-Patch, der dem Spiel ein Warteschlangen-Visual hinzufĂŒgte, wĂ€hrend wir anfingen, Spieler in Zeitfenstern mit hohem Datenverkehr in die Warteschlange zu stellen.

Wir haben festgestellt, dass Konsolen dies innerhalb einer Woche haben wĂŒrden. Es sieht so aus, als ob es die erste HĂ€lfte sein wird, sobald es alle Erstzertifizierungen durchlaufen hat. Ab sofort fliegt die Konsole quasi im Blindflug und fĂŒhrt leider zu Timeouts fĂŒr Benutzer, die sie offline werfen. Es gibt Momente, in denen Spieler einsteigen, da wir ein Team rund um die Uhr haben, das die WasserhĂ€hne fĂŒr Konsolenspieler aufdreht, um sie online zu fĂŒttern, aber es sind schwierige Zeitfenster vor den Auszeiten.

Dieses Wochenende hat zu einer noch massiveren Zunahme von Spielern gefĂŒhrt, die sich mit einer bestimmten Region verbinden, und fĂŒhrt daher dazu, dass Spieler in andere Regionen ziehen und dort Warteschlangen erstellen. Auch hier haben wir ein Team rund um die Uhr und Anrufe rund um die Uhr, wĂ€hrend sie an der Fehlerbehebung arbeiten und die Datenbanken am Laufen halten.

Es ist nicht ideal. Ich weiß, dass selbst ich Schwierigkeiten hatte, selbst zu spielen, und ich hoffe, dass wir hier bald ein weiteres Update fĂŒr Sie alle haben können. Nochmals, entschuldige mich dafĂŒr an alle.

Google translated, so there may be flaws

I would rather a hacked playable game than a game that can not be played at all. Let the cheaters cheat and have Bliz spend their time on something they could actually do, Banning cheaters, while the rest of us that just want to be able to play and still have the options to go online with friends or trade with random others can do so. Unique IDs are still a thing so any two items with the same ID on the same game will poof. With all the hacked/modded crap floating around on D3 at least I never once worried about if I would be able to play for days at a time or not and I am adult enough to not use crap that ruins the game.

Waste of day but I’ve got nothing better to do lol, I’ll update if I ever get in. Though I do wish you all luck as well!!


What platform if I may ask?

Blizzard is one hell of a mess 
 “oh we weren’t able to anticipate how players play D2 “the modern way” and will constantly open new games for MF or Baal runs.” The game ist out 20 years
 no one could have foreseen this. Probably cause Blizzard doesn’t give a 
 about its own games or player base. What about some foresight and problem solution PRE-release? Guess that’s too old school. Better to sell sth. and maaaaaybe fix it later on.

To lock out console players on purpose is another “very intelligent” move. Blizzard and Activision is dead 
 we should have known since Diablo mobile announcement and Wc3 reforged mess. Have to blame myself for being stupid and buy d2 because of Nostalgia.


If this continious next week, i will never buy diablo 4
that one is made by blizzard themselves
so imagine the level of bugs upon release


Best way to get their attention is to affect profit margins, and the best way to do that is not buy D4.


If playing on pc is the solution, they should let all consume users download the game for free on pc.

That would be the fair thing to do right now.


Maybe they just want us too Pay again 40 Euro
 Blizzard is not the Company like it use to be

All Xbox one variants bud

I’ll pass, I’m not buying a pc just so they can mug me off on two versions of a broken remake

Come on blizzard, R2D2 it!! Bip boup!! If anyone watched Archer they will understand.

People need to realize Blizzard doesnt care about consoles it’s evident in how we’re treated in game and here. Elder Scrolls has the COMMUNITY post all in 1 PLACE, the patch notes appear for all systems in 1 PLACE. MAINTENANCE AND PATCHING are SEPARATE though and don’t effect each other, Blizzard hold my beer! Stop treating console differently, I thought since Rod Ferguson came on board things would finally change since his background was console development the last 20 years, nope. Still have the console on the back of the bus, using separate restrooms and drinking fountains. Doesnt it make you feel like part of a Community? Not at all.


It’s the D2r apartheid, and the doors clearly state “No consoles allowed”


I like to lick boots. is what you are saying.