What is going on with your console servers?

It’s kinda insane. I think they pick when it’s raining in my town and kill the servers.

yea ur exactly right. Same with Twitter Post. Last week when PC and Console had problems we got a Twitter Statement in max. 10 min. When its just Console like today and yesterday no Twitter statement.

Well I’m never buying any of your products again. I was excited for Diablo IV but not anymore and especially if it’s going to get the same support and issues as D2R. Why have a beta if you don’t learn anything from your mistakes??? Just disgraceful and ignorant as a company.


at this point I dont want to play Diablo 2 anymore… (thanks for killing that nostalgia blizzard)… I just want MY MONEY BACK… GIVE US OUR MONEY BACK YOU THIEVES !!


Well i bought and downloaded diablo II resurrected thinking heck yeah! Its going to be just like it was back when i played along time ago. And sure enough its the same , with connection drops and no connection at all just like it use to be.

I just got in, quickly spam!!!

I want a refund I bought this for not only PS4, but also Switch. Please how do I get my 80 dollars back this is not ok.

Beta ran better than the final product lol.

Gigi people are getting in instantly, try now!!!

No, I work in IT operations and I play mainly on PC (playstation to play with family who only have consoles). You are obviously ignorant to the issue facing game devs. If they had a patch to make the game perfect, they couldn’t release it to the public, they release it first to Sony, M$, Nintendo, they have their process and then they are able to release it. People like you will obviously say, they should just release online games perfect… when no game online or local play has been released perfect without bugs or issues.

No matter what, you will deal with it. You won’t refund, you’ll sit here chastising blizzard and people on the forums until you’re able to play, when they fix it finally, you won’t say thank you for working to resolve the issue, you’ll just continue playing like nothing ever happened.

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An issue has occurred while attempting to communicate with your customers. Please check that you sit on your thumb and rotate, and try again.

If this is so and continues today. I am done with game and would like the option for a refund. I play on ps5.

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Try now I just got in

Woohoo :tada: 5:41am to 10:03am hubs isn’t up yet, record is complete.

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Quickly try now, I just got in and everyone I messaged got in instantly too. Goodluck!

It’s sort of odd to not anticipate your servers getting hammered by fans of such a loved game.

Then again how do you justify to your higher ups all the extra time you’re taking to code bullet proof servers. Or asking for way more when the ones you have should theoretically handle everything.

Then there’s human error, trusting other companies, time constraints, the list goes on I’m sure.

If you do everything perfectly people won’t even notice you did something amazing. If you fail it’s like crashing a train; the cars keep piling up even though just one came off the rails.

I can wait. They’ll fix it for sure. Trust that.

Woohoo enjoy!!! And goodluck!!

Where is the update announcement? It’s not even on tweeter?

Thank you :blush:
Coffee and then I am going to slaughter everyone from Act I to V — forget about farming just going to focus on XP getting to 99 and going to sell everything in sight and then gamble my life away :joy::joy:. RNG has been hating on me anyway so good day to gamble when I am already grumpy :joy:

Youre giving me false hope and I like it

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