What happened to ''resets every 4 months''

You had to if you were even the least bit decent. You could have just 3/4 accounts of characters you actually played. That isn’t to even mention crafting mats, runes, gems, junk jewels, and all the normal items you had to store. Even beyond that if you did any sort of dclone hunting or torch farming you needed way more accounts than that.

Most of these peoples are just lying about their actual experience because they weren’t around. This guy’s obviously from post respec days at least.


Honestly if you scroll through most of the posts on this forum, I really do think it is really bad and low IQ players. They’re not lying when they say they never found a HR or a shako over 20 years. They’ve never completed a character even to a decent level. They’ve never had an enigma or infinity, or hit the 105FCR BP on their sorc intentionally. They don’t know lightning is 117. They don’t know about FHR. They don’t know that -res is more influential than +damage in most situations. And in 20 years they never bothered to read anything, watch any YT vid they were just content with sucking and thinking the game has a low drop rate.


Did you stop playing LoD in 2002? Everybody else had multiple accounts and more so after ladder was introduced

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No. I’m not wrong. You represent power players, the most serious ones about the game. Those are not typical players, no matter how much you want to think they are. Typical players are people who play here and there, aren’t trying to win the ladder race, and just playing when they have time. They don’t make 300 accounts, they don’t need 329874324 stashes of item space.

No. Not everybody had multiple accounts. Most people didn’t. The most serious fans like to think they represent everybody/almost everybody, but they don’t. I played on and off throughout the last 20 years. I never quit the game.

But you are wrong. If you even played LOD in the least bit you had multiple accounts. It has nothing to do with winning the ladder race. Sure i’d delete my old magic finding sorc, but my 16 PvP chars? My current magic find? My Current rusher? My Ladder PvP? My Smiter? Nah. And btw most of this was “playing here and there.” There was house cleaning for sure you didn’t need trash vmagis on NL, but you don’t throw a perfect one out because you might decide you need one for each of your NL PvP sorcs. You’re right though most didn’t have 300 accounts, but most had way more than 1, the fact that you didn’t even know that was possible shows just how much of a noob you were. And no I didn’t need all that space most of the chars were blank except a torch/anni.

You’re right not everyone had multiple accounts. Most noobs probably didn’t. Of course most noobs were stuck in NM and never found much of anything so why would they need another account. Meanwhile MOST did for sure, you’re so confident in your response, but you didn’t even know multiple accounts existed until 30 minutes ago. You have no idea how much you still probably don’t know.

Typical players now don’t play remakes of 23 year old games.

They play Fortnite/Mobile games.

Typical players in the early 2000’s were nerds. :stuck_out_tongue: Nerds min max my dude. Or do you seriously think casuals were playing PC ARPGS in the early 2000’s in swarms?

It was mostly a bunch of D&D/JRPG/Early MMO nerds my dude. These guys were min maxing D2 on paper when they couldn’t get to their PC.

Every nerd had a billion hotmail accounts back in the day for a reason.

But I’m not wrong. I played LoD plenty over the years. The fact that you can’t accept that not everyone, or even most people, are like you is maddening. You. Do. Not. Represent. Everybody. Or even most people.

“most people” don’t post on these forums. (or jsp or any other forum for that matter)
“most people” have one or a few accounts.
“most people” don’t keep every peice of garbage that drops around, which is the only way I can even picture you having more than a few accounts.

You are part of the elite few that played the game more than everyone else. Period. Stop pretending that you aren’t.

Heh. Wish the same could be said for non-WoW franchises vs. WoW. Loads of authors that have to do raid testing on PTR while maintaining Retail and Classic addons, whilst also wanting to play other Blizzard games. :slight_smile:

Most people are not on the forums. True
Most people in LOD had multiple accounts. True
Most people who had multiple accounts, weren’t keeping trash.

You didn’t know people had multiple accounts or could even create them until just now. You probably don’t even know what’s worth keeping or what you can do with all the items, so you never had much to keep. You also probably farm terribly and have bad builds which is why you find so few items.

I am not some elitest few. Most people learn how to get better over time and realize the ways to accomplish that goal. You might have been content with being bad or happily ignorant of just how bad you were, but that doesn’t mean everyone was doing the same as you. Even if you didn’t use multiple accounts back then you should have at least known it was a possibility. You didn’t because you never really played nor knew what you were doing. Perhaps you had no friend group to relay information with who knows.

A simple look at your post history shows that you know NOTHING of how LOD or even D2R works. Some of the misinformation you have was patched in almost 2 decades ago.

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One or a few. Not hundreds.

A simple look at my post history means NOTHING. I know plenty about how LOD and D2R works and there is nothing in my post history that says I know “nothing.”

I haven’t been posting misinformation. Sometimes I do make mistakes. That’s different from “posting misinformation.” I am human and sometimes I don’t remember things correctly. That doesn’t mean I don’t know anything, and it doesn’t mean I don’t currently or never played the game.

You. Do. Not. Represent. Most. People.

One or a few. Not hundreds.

One of these things is not like the other…

What are you on about? I responded to someone who said they have 300 accounts.
And i said that is not normal.
And that is correct.
Most people, even in the LOD days, had one main account. Some had some alts. Anything beyond that is not in the realm of normal.


I never said anything about 300 accounts. Is this a private conversation all of a sudden?

You either didn’t see this or are pretending to have not seen it.
I didn’t say you specifically. But I previously quoted someone who did say this, and the implication is that this was something typical.

You have no idea, just how dumb you are do you? By most I mean MOST which is far more than 100’s. Thousands and thousands of users had multiple accounts. Again you’re speaking on a subject that you didn’t even know was possible until an hour ago as if you know what was up.

No what you said in fact was that you didn’t even know it was possible to have multiple accounts on one CD KEY. You are right though 300 accounts isn’t normal, but 5? 10? 20? was commonplace. But hey at least you have a doctorate now in the thing you had no idea was even possible until an hour ago.

One or a few. Not hundreds.

Again these contradict.

I’m using all my character slots on this account and their inventories are mostly full of all kinds of random stuff. I have plenty to keep now, and I had plenty to keep then. But not dozens or hundreds of accounts worth.

There is no contradiction here. Do you know what that word means?

This entire tangent started with someone saying they had 300 accounts and suggesting that was normal. Again, you seem to be ignoring that. I said that isn’t normal and doesn’t represent most players. And that is true.


Most people, even in the LOD days, had one main account. Some had some alts. Anything beyond that is not in the realm of normal.

Disagrees with your answer to THIS line

Most people in LOD had multiple accounts. True

TO which you answered THIS line.

One or a few. Not hundreds.