Unfortunately, I think you’re wrong. Micro-transactions and in-game buying from Blizzard is not far-fetched and might actually lead to a better situation than what we have now. Already, wallet-warriors are funding third party RMT sites which in turn load untold thousands of bots onto the servers and spam the (unleavable) lobby chat out of existence as well as occupy a large portion of the game list with bot spam games. As for insulting the intelligence of Diablo players, it’s not possible. Read these forums, spend time in pugs… Diablo players in general are barely human.
Then you turn around and suggest a subscription fee? GTFO honestly, this is the ‘murder the game option’ you were looking for. Neo-Buzzard deserves to pay out refunds for their blatant false advertising and complete lack of effort, not earn a subscription fee for the theft and ruination of D2.
Anyways, before I give Blizzard another cent they first have to earn back my trust by completing the pre-release task of fixing chat.