Werewolf and Werebear skills are useless in PTR

Our favorite youtuber made a video. :slight_smile:


Nice Video, I think everyone except blizzard thinks this change is a buff

ehh did you managed to swap nerf to buff somehow in your post!?

I find it very sad that people are unable to grasp the concept of iterative testing.

The druid change needs to be tested in isolation to reduce complexity when searching for bugs. This is especially important with legacy software. Once itā€™s confirmed working and has been tested, you can continue to implement the changes you have planned. This is what the PTR is for.

Itā€™s great to give feedback that druid ā€œfeelsā€ bad with the new frames, that can help guide the next change to compensate the esoteric and inconsistent IAS calculations changed. People crying that the class is dead, or worse, content creators getting the hustle on and trying to get paid on reactionary videos, only make the process worse since now thereā€™s so much noise the devā€™s need to dig through. Itā€™s an embarassment.


serioulsy how is no one talking about how druid can zeal faster than fury?

this has been proven how bad this changes is


I think they want us to zeal now, after all zeal is uninteruptible which is a nice bonus lol


This is by far the worst change that could have been made to the Druid. In order to promote weapon and build diversity with shapeshifters, Blizzard should be doing the exact opposite of this change and bringing back the uncapped IAS frames possible in the early builds of D2R. As of right now, shapeshifters are completely unplayable. As someone whoā€™s been a shapeshift fanatic since LoDā€™s launch, this is the absolute worst thing that could have happened to this game for me.

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This is a good way to promote Dol, and tell us that they have effectively find a way to make mid-tier rune more useful LMAO

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Iā€™m so sorry Druids.

Iā€™ve never played a Druid, but Blizzard nerfed my WW Barb into the ground back in the day.

It felt like a punch to the gut, like Iā€™d been robbed & kicked while I was down. Iā€™d invested years of time learning the class & all my wealth into gear for it. Itā€™s an awful feeling to have your build ripped out from under you for no good reason.

I really hope Blizzard listens to your feedback. But, the post at the top of this forum does not bode well.

If Blizz is going to nerf entire skill trees willy-nilly, who is next?


It helps if devs explain this. As opposed to, say, gutting a whole skill tree without a word of explanation and then claiming players are ā€œconfusedā€ by the gigantic nerf. ā€œUse other weapons LOLā€, indeed.

What we have right now is no testing at all because shapechanger skills are so bad no one is playing them. That is counterproductive. Iterative testing or no, they should have given shapechangers something to make up for the nerf.


thereā€™s no make up for this attack speed nerf, nothing can make up this nerf, especially in PVP


Lets hope they have a good community manager who can collect feedback well, and devs can just ignore the drama. Especially since if they canā€™t figure out a amicable change they said it themselves these changes are not final. They could revert if they fail to find a solution.

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This is an absolutely terrible move. Youā€™re basically killing fury druid. No one is going to be able to use this build. You should be focusing on improving builds that no one used, not making existing builds useless.

Makes a barelly usable build completelly uselessā€¦ clearly they want to get rid of the shape shifting tree since they have too few players using them, therefore using dev resources on shapeshifting is something they want to avoid.

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your test showing zeal is the ultimate fury druid is so ironic its almost poetry


It is just sad isnā€™t it?

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Do you even understand the fact that there are several hundred people who has created ias calculators and interactive character planners that work off the calculations that drive the game?

We have not had a need to fire up the game to see ias break points for live for decades.

Modders and other creators have had the frametimes for the normal druid form and the transformed forms for decades as well.

They have suddenly not lost the abilty to apply math to the calculations.

you can start up the ptr yourself put andys helm on 20 ias, put on trechary for the 45 off hand ias put on LoH for gloves and highlords as a ammy.

then equip a 5 shael phaseblade for the maximum ias on the ptr bases.

create faith for a act 1 merc and you are still no where near the damn max fpa that fury has on live.

When are you people that make these excuses going to understand that its not lack of testing that drive our ire about these changes.

Tengaku has provided examples on how the zeal from passion blow every ptr were druid out of the water instantly.

That is feedback you all seems unwilling to see.

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The devs have already confirmed that they are going to change the wereform IAS, because it is obviously a huge nerf to the end game that just wonā€™t work.

I think we can all cool off a bit on this topic until they release whatever changes they plan on making in PTR, and then we test again. This is exactly what the PTR is for. None of these changes are final yet.

The issue is obvious at this point: early game and slow weapons for wolf and bear got a considerable buff while the end game got a considerable nerf. Now its time for what a PTR is for: tweaking the patch to find a balance where shapeshifting isnā€™t totally worthless early but also isnā€™t worthless in the late game. Lets give the devs a chance to get it right before we panic.


I have to agree with this. the idea was to buff shapers surely, not nerf them. The D2r Launch ā€œbuffedā€ shappers, i accept that the Devā€™s did this unintentionally, and want to make more weapons ā€œviableā€. However the beauty of the game is that there are alot of items that can spawn, and not every time is intended to be best in slot.

On that basis, honestly, now reconsider reverting the IAS mechanic to how it was at D2r Lauch. it was not overpowered, it was not game breaking. otherwise at the very least look to maintain the pre-exist attack speeds of D2LOD AND BUFF Shaper damage, because at the end of the day, shapers are at the bottom of the pecking order in this game.

re: The devs have already confirmed that they are going to change the wereform IAS, because it is obviously a huge nerf to the end game that just wonā€™t work.

They did not confirm that they were going to change the werform IAS. they changed the wereform ias in the PTR and there is feedback now outlining issues. They stated the rationale for the proposed change and topicā€™s are being created and replied to outlining that these changes are in fact, a nerf.