Werewolf and Werebear skills are useless in PTR

Where have the devs said they aren’t going to change the IAS? Your first sentence isn’t clear.

The problem with wolves and bears early game wasn’t so much attack speed game as it was only-single-target damage. Leveling a wolf or bear is agonizingly slow because you had to painstakingly kill one thing at a time forever. Werewolves get better once they have Fury but werebears end up getting used just for stun. Both skill trees need help, and I’m not talking attack speed help. They both need to have multiple target damage well before 30 unless you expect them to level as elemental druids and then respec. Respeccing will fix them but it doesn’t fix the fact that the early game the devs are worried about is terrible with both Weres.


Yup, I’d put in a huge vote for the effect of (an improved) War Cry to be switched with Shock Wave. Give the Barbs the better area stun and give Werebears a decent area damage effect.

Maul should hit 2 additional targets to make up for the speed loss, fury should be uninterruptable (and have even more damage), rabies duration should cap like plague jav now. Shockwave itself is just a 1 point wonder for the stun but the damage is so bad, make it so after 1 point of investment the stun is removed and make that skill have so much more damage.

The devs said they they are going to work on druids attack speed and make changes to the PTR patch to try and make wereforms stronger. I hope that’s clearer. Pez said it here on the forums and on Reddit.


It is not our intent to reduce the viability of the transformed Druid. We will be looking at ways to improve the performance of the transformed Druid without sacrificing the benefits obtained from unifying the attack speed calculations.


It’s like everyone ignored the last couple lines of this post. :stuck_out_tongue: It’s not staying this way. As noted in the post that they are looking at ways to make shapeshifters better.

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It is funny. WW barb receives no buff. Werewolf a massive nerf, but Sorc players get an imba Hydra and even request a FO buff hahaha

I thought casters would get the middlefinger already. Nope,…the opposite.


one of the worst change i feel for the poor bear always be the under dog

the dev he will nerf anything . after the druid get nerf , and about paladin battle hammer ?

or sorc cold ? that will end half player will leave this game having nothing to offer for physical melee is just a elemental mess with infinity , i miss 1,09


I tried many buffed builds. Sorc with meh gear and hybrid skills ( FO without syn and Hydra) killed everything with ease while so many buffed classes just die everywhere.

I am starting to get upset.

That is in no way making it clearer at all nor does it in any way shape or form mean were forms will ever reach the same speed they had in the past.

“Without sacrificing the benefits obtained from unifying the attack speed calculations”

this tell us jack all but the fact that they dont want to revert the attack speed calculation they just did to fix it.

That is all they said.

That is as clear as mud.

That is to say its vague enough that you can spin it in a million directions when ever you need to.

Do you know what clear communication is?

This is clear communication:

To fix the ias issue the human form druid will now have exactly the same base speed as the old transformed forms.

Short, concise and to the point.

Not that we will ever get that kind of communication from any game studies CM.

its already confirmed tested and found useless. there is not a single viable weapon ingame that will change the fact that the class is dead as it is now. So why not do changes right now so people could actually get to testing again???

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The developers statement explicitly states that they will try to make changes, but “without sacrificing the benefits obtained from unifying the attack speed calculations.” This is what the wereform community is up in arms over. The player base understands there are no “benefits obtained from unifying the attack speed calculations.” This is the exact change that is making shapeshifting builds unplayable; yet, the developers’ most recent statement continues to tout it as “beneficial.”

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I’m definitely not a guru on the mechanics, but can’t they adjust these things/change how they work?

Specifically what mechanic means the shape-shifting forms can’t go past 10 frames, and can that capping be fixes so that ias can work for forms the same way it does for a barb? Can they adjust the frames of the human form?

yep no benefits obtained at all. The bear and wolf was always meant to be a different beast with their own special way of doing things and there are plenty of guides on the internet for new players with no knowledge. Besides i think most of the playerbase is old d2 lod players anyway so why on earth change it at all. they went from at least a few good weapons to choose from to none at all and a class that cant be used at all. R.I.P shapeshifters and goodbye Eth tombreaver and ribcracker cause they will be worthless now

That’s not clear communication, that’s just exactly what you want to hear.

They said they’re going to make changes to improve shape shifters, and you’re throwing a fit before you have any idea what the changes are because they aren’t doing exactly what you want.

That’s not helpful, it’s not constructive, calm your outrage until they’ve at least tried to fix the problem.

If their changes don’t fix things and it still sucks, then complain about them all you want. Complaining about changes that haven’t even been made yet because they’re not being specific or doing exactly what you want is childish.


Actually we do tested it out it is a huge nerf, I am quite surprised you are so laaaaaaag behind on this info almost as if you still using 486 and hooking up a 56k moderm


the problem is they really should not have changed how it works. what they are doing is trying to make them work like any other melee character and then when they are done u will probably see them using the exact same items as all the other melee classes (grief… cough… cough) and in the process killing the value on certain unique weapons that were almost only used by shapeshifters due to the fact that they worked differently.

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The problem is they said they keep the wereform attack the same speed as humanform. They might find a way to save werewolf by let’s say making the wereform attack speed bonus as an independent multiplier. However, werebear is really dead this way. Even buffing bear skill to the sky (which won’t happen) will not save it because it attacks TOO slow. A melee with terrible FHR/FBR and attack breakpoints like bear simply won’t survive in hell.


I would love to see the developers play a melee WB from scratch with these changes and finish Hell. Then give it the most optimized gear, in their opinion, and show us that it’s at least as fast and efficient than what we currently have on live servers with optimised gear.
Perhaps also try to take on ubers to enjoy how fast they trigger crushing blow and life tap.
That should show us we’re all wrong about this change as it stands.
Because I certainly can’t see it or feel it in game.

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The change that they made to fix the class, which the developers’ last official statement still to this very minute frames it as a buff, is what made the entire class unplayable. I’m not saying it’s good to throw a hissy fit, but I’m trying to explain why people are so upset. People are now anxious that Blizzard’s idea of a “beneficial change” is the eradication of the build entirely, so it is reasonable to be at least somewhat anxious about future changes at this point, no?

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My fear is that even with a fix, wereforms performs worse than before.
If this happen, I’m done with this game.

So please revert it or find a way to make it at least as faster as before or better if possible.


currently playing a Werewolf playthrough in game (not in the PTR) and enjoying it.

All I want the devs to do is improve many builds, improve skills no one uses to make many more viable builds for the players to explore. I don’t want them to nerf any existing builds.

I want them to add some kind of magic damage to the Werewolf attack so the build can deal with immune to physical without requiring a ton of points in some kind of fire support. Good luck trying to get through the maggot lair (required to playthrough) in hell difficulty running into fire immune + immune to physical bugs.

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