Werewolf and Werebear skills are useless in PTR

Thanks for doing gods’ work. I’m posting multiple places and ways about this, but not enough voices. Ww is a nonissue these days. Us shifter only players lower than the dirt a paladin charges over…

I say not just bring back 4ias bear, but ALLOW BEARS TO ENIGMA TP!! We’ll be equal footing to the rest of the classes via farming

I think they are just in over their heads. They probably should have started with one class at a time and really understood everything going on.

Still, it hasn’t been long. Give them a bit of time to adjust things. If they push this to live as is, then we have a problem.


If it aint broken, dont fix it. But they did.

I can to some degree understand that they wanted to get the formula more simple. These things can be very tricky. But there was not enough testing, and I guess everyone who says that the testers did never play a shape changer before is simply right.

Thankfully, they made this PTR, so this issue could be found.

Going back to the old formula may be an option, but I think it will be possible to get the formula simpler, allow more IAS options and get the wolfs and bears back to their known speed. There is always a solution, technical. I hope they design one in the next days and give us a fix in the next week.

Please do not accept explanations why this should not be possible. It is simply unacceptable that sorc and pala get buffs and shape shifters get nerfed.

They specifically said that if they players don’t receive it well, they won’t allow it. So if they keep their word we don’t have a problem.

fury druids could teleport on the d2pk private pvp server and were hella strong in pub duels

Teleport would be great for sure, but I would be perfectly happy with some passive skill FRW

What if they fix the bug for more weapon diversity and give WW and WB 1%IAS per level as a base? That could solve all the problems.

I’ve desperately wanted to play a Werebear for so long. Not only was it not that great pre-patch, but this nerfs it into oblivion. Please buff shapeshifting!

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Werewolf skill already gives IAS, the problem is the max FPA is currently capped at 10 FPA.

If Blizzard is reading this thread, and at least have a grasp what they were doing, they will fix this. If this goes to live, more than half of the SS druids will ragequit the game, at least I will.

Dont think their popularities werent many enough? Compared to what, sorcs and pals? Oh thats how the game loses its core fans. Play well Blizzard.

That’s being A bit condescending, I think the devs hearts were in the right place. Werewolf IAS calculations are crap shoot, even if it does make them at least B tier melee. It’s likely that this was one of the last changes they made. I do think something needs to be done with IAS calculations in general especially druid ones. But with out seeing the base code I’m not sure what can be done.

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I think they intend to make things good, I just think they don’t have the testing needed to make these changes. Even the release of the base game was quite a mess, regardless of how hard they tried to deliver an awesome upgrade to one of our favorite games.

Its why there is PTR and they didn’t just release it with out having the community test it. To be fair I think the server issues were not nearly as bad as they could have been. I’ve had worse MMO launches. They just needed more stress testing before launch but Activision/bliz had a set schedule they could not delay for too long.

We will see. I’m just worried because I’ve seen it many times in the past. This isn’t their other teams though, so it could be different.

By the description of what PezRadar has posted, they intend to release this update and pay to see, why is not and possible such a massive topic of responses being ignored for so long…If you have no idea what you’re doing, leave it the way it is.

hoping that the next iteration of the PTR demonstrates some of these changes, cause as is we all know what it is

Just wow. I don’t understand the philosophy still. Clearly, I’m not a dev but I am a D2 player and the changes are terrible. What happened to we don’t want to nerf anything? Druid is already slow to play without being able to use teleport. Throw us a bone devs.

I really hope this change was unintentional and gets reverted back.

Man do I have news for you


can you believe that druid would attack faster with Zeal then Fury Druid?