Werewolf and Werebear skills are useless in PTR

Btw this was without a torch but with an Anni (17/15/5) because we did one d-clone walk on PTR last night around 11 eastern. Trust me, i know what i’m tlaking about, it’s literally impossible for a fury druid to even clear the den/sands/furnace now let alone uber tristam itself

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i didnt understand this, now it is actually the biggest possible nerf in the history of this game


I mean seriously only 11IAS needed to hit max speed, so ANY weapon is max speed, which is ultra slow… i guess only option is last wish, there isn’t anything else at all. And it will perform way wayyyyy worse than before


Except even last wish requires you to hit fast to proc, and you’ll attack too slow to actually survive. You wont proc LW’s lifetap or crushing blow enough to live.

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Logic for a weapon now is find the slowest possible base, and try to socket it or make a runeword with as much damage as possible, then proceed to die in PvE and PvP

This post has suddenly become super realistic and accurate instead of emotional and b1tchy

That’s what we were trying to say last night, but everyone told wolf druid players to **** off and stop whining. But when Blizzard destroys an entire class for no reason, people are going to be upset.


all the thunder maul people are probably enjoying their slow as concrete weapons, now that everyone can struggle as much as they have :joy:

People on PTR have just zero interest on this topic, I am glad at least this thread is announcing the possibly the worst issue if it comes live

Why do people have no interest? Like I said before, this change is so drastic (basically removing the viability of an entire skill tree) that it will have ripple effects for overall balance in the game. Why do other characters get three skill trees but Druids now only have two?


A lot of people already pass on any build that relies on attack rating. On top of that, Fury druid is like a zeal Paladin, and Paladins are much more popular. I used to love both and after enough missing, kinda just picked classes that don’t rely on AR.

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And zeal cant be interrupted, but fury can… and now fury is slow, so more apt to be interrupted…

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Never thought I’d see the day where Fend Amazon is laughing running past a Fury Druid.


i mean with how slow druids are now, every problem the were druid faced is magnified


So Fireclaws werebear was so-so with 4-5 frame attack.
Now it can get 9 frames at best.
Great job blizzard! But at least you buffed auradin!


The thing the devs messed up is that they didn’t realize that the wereform (anim code 40) is supposed to have a base frame of 13 frames per attack. Human form has a base of 19 frames per attack. Since there is a 75% eias frame cap in the game, it means that using the human form base frames makes it impossible to get shapeshifted forms to a decent speed. The people who made the game set the base frames to 13 for a reason. Your “fix” is actually a new bug that you’ve introduced.

Blizz devs, let me recap so you can program this quickly. Set base frames for wereform to 13.


Quite honestly I don’t even know what they want us to test by trying diffetent weapons, FURY damage was not buffed in any way, different weapons have been tested for the last 20 years, only fast weapons are used because everyone realized slow weapons are unusable, now we are supposed to tey things like BOTD Thunder maul which was already awful, and that now surprise is even slowe than before and the damage is the same?, there is nothing to test. Perhaps if we use the hydra bow they put in PTR and use zero IAS then maybe it will be faster than before…


Hi, it was i that wrote that.
I basicly forgot that the original a1 attack has -1 at the end. So it reach 9 frames now, which is its cap.

Currently capped at 75.

Usually a shaper can get 75 skillIas via werewolf skill.
This means 75 of 75 is already filled. However a slow base like forexample 10wsm May slow this down to 65eias.
Which means:
Ias needed for eias break:
ceiling((120*(EIAS- SIAS + WSM))/(120-(EIAS - SIAS +WSM)))

Ceiling((120*(75-75+10))/(120-(75-75+10))) = 11

So 11 ias is all u have to “play around with to use different weapons”
Which basicly means u have less choice.
And when we talk about early game prior to werewolf getting high skill ias and had lower ias in wep they actually had quite good usage of offhand ias before as well.

So, with a 10wsm base and werewolf skill equal of 75 skill ias the choice is worse than before. Now we just want max dmg i wep. Example eth death 2 polearm, or grief for 1hand.

Now lets see what max fpa is on fury:
75eias/speedincrease is max.
Druid got 17frames pr direction on polearm which is one of the fastest bases he can use. (bow is faster with 16).

As i understand shaped druid now calc ias as a regular druid. Although i would guess fury follow the serial frames pr direction as before:

Serial attack:
Ceiling((FramesPrDirection + 1)/2x256/(256x(100+Eias)/100))

Paw attack:
Ceiling(FramesPrDirection x 256/(256 x (100+Eias)/100))-1

Since eias is capped at 75 this is:
Serial attack:
Ceiling((17+1)/2x256/(256x(100+75)/100))-1 = 6fpa

Paw attack:
Ceiling(17x256/(256x(100+75)/100))-1 = 9

So its actually worse now, its less affected by all kind of ias…
Blizzard should swallow your pride on this one and revert this change…

Here is the solution to allow off hand ias and such to have more effect:

  1. Revert back to the old formulas.
  2. Change 75eias/speed increase cap into 200.
    This allows diversity:
    It makes wepons such as beast to have an effect.
    It makes offhand ias to have an effect.
    You can choose to soc ur eth tomb reaver for 100 ias with 2 shael, or u can try to achieve same fpa with a higher damage jooled 90 ias eth tomb.
    For werebear this Change is creating diversity as well.
    Its not op, but it would indeed be a buff.

Let me know if u need old shape formula :stuck_out_tongue:

So the problem for shapers diversity and usage of offhand ias or speed increasing auras was always the limited eias cap.

I hope u have a look upon holy fire aura as well, it need a nerf^^

I hope you would revert fhr and wsg into how it worked in d2lod. It created active gameplay, both the stunner and the stunned had to activly micromanage tactics vs each other. Wsg was the perfect usage of stun break. How stun worked on d2lod has not ever been used in other games, even though its the most genius way og stun to work in gaming ever!


Another weird thing they did to fury is to increase AR…tbh AR is never the issue with fury druid, but that it is interruptible is, now this fury is not only interruptible , but also slow, no DMG, and can’t teleport.

This is so great


Not quite true, for bosses AR is still hugely important , such that for uber tristam some of the best small charms you can get are steel charm of vitae for the 36ar/20 life, both of which mulitply for fury druids, because with only 11k attack rating you only hit the 3 ubers ~70% of the time, and a string of misses can kill you if you’re surrounded. each 36ar small charm adds another 360+ attack so even fury druids still have to, for some content, prioritize attack rating gear. But in general yes, fury druids will hit the 95% chance to hit cap for melee attacks on most all other normal content