PTR----they just gave wolf Druid a big middle finger

Tomb Reaver 3os with 3 40/15 jewel used to be able to give fury 4F speed, now they cant even do 5f attack speed anymore

further testing with tracery and laying of hand equip, speed still no change

wtf blizzard?


what a disaster,

if you are reading this blizzard - PLEASE DO THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF WHAT YOU DID

this makes the werewolf swing slow as molasses and IS NOT FUN

please allow more weapons to hit the 4F speed, NOT MAKE EVERYTHING SLOWER


Someone thought fury Druid doing ubers was too op


You guys need to stop taking things so personally. This is a test realm. The purpose is to TEST things and give feedback.

I don’t know how you were raised (poorly, by the looks of things) but when you give feedback, it’s more useful to say “hey I was testing this change and it doesn’t feel very good. It feels blah blah blah blah” instead of “Blizzard gave me the middle finger, burned down my house, killed my cat, and made out with my dad! We need to BOYCOTT BLIZZARD NOW!”

Whoever raised you should be embarrassed if you think this is how adults should act.


The made the class way worst than before, it was already bad, but now its unplayable. All other classes got great buffs, we got a huge nerf


There are many D2R players who have waited 20+ years to play a shapeshifting class, just like there has been twice or thrice as many waiting to play their favorite sorceress, assassin, or whatever build. The change that OP is talking about is devastating. Blizzard has nerfed all shapeshifting builds into the ground. They are not playable in the PTR. If Blizzard intends on moving forward with this change, they are destroying an entire community of shapeshifting players. It can’t help but feel a little personal, even though realistically it is not. It is simply just too devastating of a change.

While everyone else is freaking out about how every build was buffed, please keep in mind that, in the background (still not even being discussed to any great degree), they destroyed all shapeshifting classes.


It must be bugged I believe. Every Shapeshifting skills seem to have slower and AR problem in current PTR. I am sure they will fix it soon enough.

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The shapeshifting community is worried that it is working as Blizzard intended.


It shouldn’t be intended. Shapeshifting has been definitely underperform than Wind build until previous patch. I really don’t see Blizzard has any reason to nerf it. lol

While I m fully agree with everything you said, quoted part actually made me laugh (sorry about that)

Maybe off weapon IAS now has an impact on overall attack speed when shapeshifted. Did anyone test it?

The issue is that it matches what the patch notes state, which suggests it is working as intended. It’s just that the wolf druid community interpreted the patch notes in a very different way.

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I agree their delivery could be more eloquent, however, the devs should know the game well enough to see a potential nerf vs a buff. When they try to buff a class but end up accidentally nerfing it… I don’t even know how to illustrate that level of ignorance. That’s a really bad sign.

If that’s the case it could be an overall buff. I’m hoping that’s how it functions now.


They deleted shapeshifting melee from the game. and oh man, if you think it feels bad playing a wolf druid, try playing a wolfbarb, which has always been very fun and playable; the changes literally halved the attack speed of the wolfbarb, so they took your melee dps and cut it in half. So they literally nuked the wolfbarb from existance.

Maybe you could put this in the PTR feedback section, in a more polite and civilised maner.


the problem with the druid build has always been that it goes in 2 different directions which together might meet or exceed other builds but alone they just do not seem to match up to the other classes. if they could somehow be woven together in a meaningful way…if the fire bear maybe had some balls or maybe a wind wolf? but no…


This right here. The class honestly needs a total overhaul. Why does it cost AFTER reduced PTR synergies, 40 points in fire skills you CANT USE while shapeshifted in order to bring fireclaw up to measly 9k hit (which doesnt get much attack bonus rating, and thus misses all the time, and swing slowly) Why is it with bramble, and trang’s gloves and maxed rabies and carrion vine, i can attack a pack of spectres in arcane sanctuary and have to wait almost TWENTY SECONDS for them to die, despite listing almost 50k poision damage on my sheet?

Shapeshift druids are SLOW, they cant use enigma or CTA, two of the strongest items in the game, they have no reliable faster run walk ability (where 1 point in pally charge makes them so fast no one can catch them !) Making it so we can use cyclone armor while shapeshifted… does exactly nothing when you need to spend 60 points in wind synergies for cyclone armor to be worth using, and then you have no skillpoints left to spend in shapeshift tree…

The ONE thing they used to have going for htem was a VERY specific build with VERY specific gear could go in and take out uber tristam, now even that has been taken from them.

It’s still the wrong way for giving feedback. If you come at me with this sort of feedback I’ll kill it even more

This is my only class… well werebear, but I have a second druid (werewolf)

Just cant play the other classes after being a bear. The werebear form gets screwed even HARDER for attack frame rate. Atleast the werewolf has 70% base ias increase. Werebear can no longer match the assassin for best frame rate.

/probably going back to league if they dont atleast keep bears down to classic frame rates

Can you not read? The patch is a TEST. This means the stuff on the TEST realm won’t necessarily go live. It will go through multiple iterations to find something that works before it goes live. Saying “oh Blizzard destroyed this!” or “Blizzard nerfed that!” and throwing a tantrum about it is just childish.

Be better. Go outside and touch some grass or something. Getting “devastated” about video game balance is just sad.