We need a pvp balance patch

this game has so many issues at the moment pvp balance should be the absolute last thing they make any attempt to balance because of how inconsequential pvp is to this game.

I’ll admit it would have been more accurate for me to say “can beat them” rather than “will beat them” as it’s not like esfb isn’t viable in gm duels, but es isn’t strong enough to warrant nerfing and there are far more pressing pvp issues that need to be addressed like the removal of wsg

OW is that thing what wrck Sorcs

good point, add open wounds to the list of reasons ES isn’t op :slight_smile:

OW is OP :slight_smile:

I am really upset my BO/Horking Barbarian always dies in PVP, it need a rebalance to make PVP more balanced for all builds.

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I am upset that my Curse Necro can’t Confuse the other players. Literally broken PVP.

" this curse causes the cursed monster to attack random targets. "

Players are not monsters.

You don’t know these players very well.

This game wasn’t designed as a PvP arena. You’ve got the wrong game.

im not, there is no arguement. What you said is very wrong is all… Ive played all sorts of just weird things that you wont ever see in duel games, did great. You build something right, gear it right and play it right, you do good… its that simple.

Ah dammit good point. Why the hell did that need to be changed along with the alt key mechanic?!

Some are. And some don’t play too differently from one either.

Players are not monsters, don’t let your bigotry tell you otherwise.

you have to take into account lld exists as well. a lot of the tools normal pvp has access to are not around in lld.

Hot take…

D2 PVP was never good or balanced.

Man there is a lot of misinformation going on in this thread lol. People are so taken back by FB sorcs. Please, go waste ur time making a 5k, hell make a 10k ES FB sorc and see how hard it is to kill a good player wearing hotspurs. Any build that deals elemental damage that can be stacked/sorbed is weak.

Charge does a lot of damage because of grief, unless u are specing completely for a 2h 1 shot charge build in which case its sort of just a dice roll whether or not the charge hits or not. If it hits, u win, if not, u probably die. Block rate, dodge, bone prison, pets, all useful tools to counter charge.

People who say PVP in this game is bad just haven’t spent the time to get good at it. The PVP in this game is the closest thing to perfect balance I’ve experienced in 30 years of gaming. As mentioned previously, every build has a counter. Nothing is unbeatable. Not every match up is even. Just because youre both level 90, and u both have all ur gear, and both have 4k hp, doesn’t mean that the fight starts at 50:50 odds. If you are a Good hdin VS a good bone nec, the odds are probably closer to 70:30 in favor of the necro. If you are a good fb sorc VS a good ele druid (wearing hotspurs) the odds are probably closer to 85:15 in favor of the druid. So of course, if you don’t know match ups well enough, u dont understand how to counter specific builds at all, its going to feel like the game isn’t balanced. Because you’re sitting there on a shapeshift druid just dying over and over to a smiter no matter what tactic you use or what gear u change the odds of that match up even under ideal conditions is 95:5 in favor of the smiter. And thats being generous. Because regardless of what gear you wear (unlike the hotspur>fb sorc point made previously) Smite has a built in mechanic that you cannot get around by changing your gear. The stun/knockback makes them infinitely better at trading melee than any other class in the game. And this is exactly what I mean, if you don’t understand all of your match ups on this level, the game is going to feel unbalanced.

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