We need a pvp balance patch

@dintrax idk why you are taking this as a personal attack lmao
you clearly want to turn this into a fight about skill or something.

its is (or was) a civil conversation about game mechanics. you clearly just want to flex your epeen. please go sit in the corner.

if you want to talk about the game mechanics without actually trying to shift blame onto the player. than great you can contribute. until then go back under your bridge.

@christoefer now imagine if frozen orb could stun and knockback, as well and turn mid path and change directions and had no cooldownā€¦

this is about game mechanics, not the ability to deal with them or beat them.
certain skills are just broken compared to others.

bro pvp in d2 is a meme

Sorry bud but itā€™s a PVE game. Iā€™d rather they do a big PVE balance patch before we get to PVP. That can come later.

Give me an example then. Prove me wrong. I was in multiple high end PVP clans back in the day and participated regularly in private 1v1, 2v2, and 4v4 matches with other guilds. Please let me know where iā€™m wrong. Give me an example.

My last PVP (Pubstomp) hammerdin had over 300 all res. Iā€™m not worried about mastery.

The only thing that could possibly break PVP in this game, is controller support and I only say this because Iā€™m not sure how controllers behave in PVP. Based on how Blizzard has programmed controllers in D3 though, if the aiming is the same, PVP is a joke.

100% agree @mythos

i def agree they should focus on the core game first.
with either patches or new content.

but pvp is pretty important and should not be ignored

What a waste of time that would be, and also detrimental to the core game. Thatā€™s gonna be a no from me, dawg.

You wanna go back to multishot buriza-zons flooding the screens with missiles from 200 miles away? Guided missiles and spinny ww bois?

Pvp has always kind of been absurd in D2, I donā€™t think a single thought was put into pvp while designing this game.

Tldr but there is a currently a counter to every build right now. I dont trust blizz to ā€œbalanceā€ or change anything right now in reguard to this.

noob alert

Charge sucks and is easy to avoid and punish, and you can just build block to completely negate it as a threat. Also if youā€™re trying to duel on a caster without being able to teleport away from melee builds then thatā€™s on you for not being prepared

ES sorc builds are expensive, donā€™t have particularly high damage output due to having to sacrifice points for es/tk, and are weak against builds with elemental damage as ES doesnā€™t take into account resists (builds with poison damage can also completely bypass ES). WW barbs, paladins, and wind druids will also beat them if they play well, honestly itā€™s only really against bone necros that ES is OP

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Charge isnā€™t a serious damage dealing skill in proper duels. Itā€™s for PKing in public games where people panic and run like headless chickens when they hear that hostile sound, or just are too trusting of player TPs, and arenā€™t built to handle player skills.

I was on reddit today and saw a jav with +6 jav/40 ias offered for more than 50 HRs. Thatā€™s when I know PvP in D2 is absurdly terrible. Compare it to Titanā€™s revenge which offers life leech and run speed, things that are so valuable in other MMO that has PvP, but worthless against the extra +2 jav.

If PvP is balanced so that teleport skill are not so badly abused, fight no longer so short, I bet such a jav is next to worthless.

if itā€™s all barbs and paladins in pvp games Iā€™m about to go join some a wreck. LOL Barbs are a joke unless BvB end of story.

charge actually is very high damage if specā€™d into. very high.

Perhaps I should have phrased that differently. It does high damage yes, but itā€™s way more common to see this skill used for public PKing rather than in duels where the enemy is actually prepared to deal with it and better gap closers and damage dealing options exist.

You realize PvP in this game is a joke right. Itā€™s literally just there for fun, itā€™s not meant to be taken seriously.

noob detected

Druid vs FB is 50/50 if Sorc is 9x es 5k mana then Sorc is favored.
200fc FB/LChL is very hard mu for Druid.
Every decent Sorc has +/-2k life and stacked @res especially after Anya bug fix so poison is not a problem, OW is that thing what wrck Sorcs, but good Sorcs have MB swaps.

ofc not true, gl esccaping from charge locks w/o wsg :smiley: especially playing as a Druid.

yes charge is MORE broken than tele!! 100%
tele cant be used for control or damage like charge is. tele OPENS up build potential. charge prevents builds for being viable.

I guess you never pvp before. Charge is a huge PoS against tele, especially when the user knows how to mess you up using the map.

And with those type of builds, you do know they do very little damage or are pretty much screwed if you hit hard enough and ate its mana. Any half build trap sin will eat a es sorc alive like its nothing.

GG FB getting 20k dmg along with 9x es 5,5k mana+ +/-100frw 30-40repl and some pdr/mdr, GL killing that ā€œthingā€.

You probably never dueled GG dual swap wsg-sync FB Sorc ^^