Urgent change requests: Feedback of three seasonal Races

Hi all!

I have participated in the Seasonal Races of Season 3 (Paladin), 4 (Assassin) and 6 (Assassin) - all hardcore Ladder. I ranked second the first two times, and took #1 the third time around, even besting the previous World Record by Roneye by an hour.

I have to admit, that my original post was probably phrased poorly, as my main goal was to thank the people involved (German Speed Running team [_SR], DoH, Max, Ember, Khisanth, Roneye, JamesHC) and the community that cheered me on during the race on twitch. However the discussion maily revolves around the two greatest weaknesses in the aftermath of patch 2.5: And while haters gonna hate, here are my two most important remarks, that I hope are well reflected and also well received:

1.) Change XP Calculation: Currently you do not stand a chance for the race unless you solo terror zones in full games. Not only does this exclude most builds, as only a handful of characters may even best P8, but it also forces you to play “alone in the zone”. From my point of view that is the hardest part of the race, as you fail to have a team to rely on - they can only cheer you on in Discord, Twitch or the communication tool of your choice. I propose to limit the additional XP gain to a maximum of 70% (if you are alone in a full game). This would still be an increase and grant you advantages in terms of Magic Finding, but benefit grouping up even more.

2.) Remove the refresh function of Mosaic and change the consummation aspect into only keeping “Phoenix Strike” plus one random other charge up skill. That way the “mindless charging up once bashing then minutes through Tal Rasha Tombs and one shotting every room on P8 solo” will come to an end. I still deem Assassin due to her vast defensive capabilities (4x physical damage reduction, curse lenght reduction, High Block chance) to be a strong contender for rank #1, but it will at least require some skill and tactical approach (like with any other character) in order to achieve it.

I hope someone at Blizzard loves the game as much as I do and is willing to invest some time to fix something that was previously not broken. Feel free to reach out.



The XP change does nothing as far as the best builds are concerned. They’ll still be better. And it wouldn’t change anything about the meta of farming alone in P8.

Mosaic is indeed a bit op and it doesn’t really even fit the traditional Diablo 2 style, but I have come to like it and be grateful for it because having a martial arts build is cool af.

we’ve been asking for mosaic to be deleted or nerf before it even hit the realm. but look at we have now about a year later. absolutely no changes to mosaic or TZ.

doesn’t matter how much people like you have abused it to create “world records” . lol. they aren’t going to listen to you anymore than they listen to me.

Why shouldn’t we remove mosaic and buff skills instead so MA assasin can be viable using more than 1 weapon?

Absolutely that is what they should do but that’s obviously not happening… so all I’m saying is mosaic is better than nothing :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Still way too strong