Twitter, Really?

So blizzard has forums, a load up battle net server with every bit of game related news to all their games. Then I see a notification that for server updates i need a twitter account? No wonder this company has gone down hill drastically. Server updates should not require going to a third party social media. Lazy.


Totally agree, that said teh server update is: there are down again, don’t need to go to Twitter unless it is for the memes.


Ya very true… just be nice if they got their stuff together lol


Agreed. I’ve added a link to the blizzard twitter thing next to the one for this forum. :confused:

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The twitter updates are the same as the update they put in bnet.
Basically says, "yea, we are aware our servers are trash, sorry bout that!

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Daily server outages are a meme.


What’s even funnier is that half the time when you click on Twitter links, it’s requiring you to SIGN IN to an account in order to even SEE the posts.

This reliance on social media BS needs to stop.

I’ve NO interest in TWITTER.


at this point, they pretty much just copy paste the same message every day so at least they are efficient on that part!!!


You’re not missing anything on Twitter friend lol i assure you. They saying the same thing…or should i say not saying anything.


As I wait to see if my guy is for sure dead or not, I will reiterate something I say many times, they just suck so bad at communicating. I don’t get why blizzard thinks they need twitter or Instagram or anything to broadcast for them when they could just make their actual launcher and website function.

Why do I have to check out 5 places to get all possible info, and often not on blizzards website.

Dunno grumpy faulty shouldn’t type right now.

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Agreed. I don’t care that it’s being posted on social media. I care that it’s ONLY being posted on social media. I’m not making a twitter to keep up with the status of the game. That’s what blue posts are for.


The funny thing is that years ago they said they are working to improve their communication. It only became less than it previous was.


I also find it silly that there is and the official forums, yet they rely on Twitter to provide real-time updates on issues.

I’d understand if the issues were only affecting some users, but this is a global daily issue that affects every single person.

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It shows you where they think the money is these days. The teenagers obsessed with social media who want flower gardens and dressing rooms in their MMOs.

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And it was never great to begin with.

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I dunno they act like without flashing it constantly people won’t be aware of their products. Man if your products can’t bring people in without spamming people who will play for 23 hours then quit. What does the future hold.

Gotta stop typing

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Social media is social disease. And Twitter is at the bottom of this sewer. So, it’s no surprise it’s Blizz’ go-to platform… :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:


It’s because big tech won’t be allowed to directly access your info, but if they have access to someone on your social network who has your contact info and has consented (like your grandma etc) then they’ll get full access to all your personal stuff. They want you to be as interconnected as possible because that’s how they get around laws intended to protect consumer privacy.


Of course servers are down again. Not surprising at all haha

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The account splash screen is for marketing my guy… why would they waste valuable revenue space to actually give meaningful updates on product issues? Activision 101

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