Traderie > D2jsp

I mean great that it works for you. No idea why you have the need to share it though.

For me its fine to sell lower-end items for PGs. PvP eq is much easier obtained on D2Jsp, because people there know what to collect and what is usefull. Also some people asking for 20/240+ raven Ber on Traderie and such stuff is hillarious as hell.
In time traderie people might learn proper value of items who knows, now its way off.

But I use both, dont see a reason why not to. The thing with item per item trades is that items/runes/sojs cannot be easily divided on your own into lesser fragments.
You have to do multiple trades to get exact stuff the other side is asking for. But with FG its universal easily susbtracted/added from/to. So its more effective for general use cases.

for HC players all these websites have not enough traffic. traderie is certainly neat looking. I did a few trades there.

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except what I said was a legit fact.

Without JSP trading the game would be non existent right now

Shut down tredery itā€™s unfair. Itā€™s cheating by playing outside the game. Blizzard needs to sue them.

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I have no luck using traderii as the filters are bad. No charm size filter and it donā€™t load anuf of the listings for ā€œCtrl+fā€. Could be as I just tried using it for lld.

Another necro of a 2+ year old dead thread.


Only to point out something obvious. Traderie is far from perfect. D2JSP even with its outdated forum style is still the gold standard otherwise if you donā€™t want to get involved with them or are anti-FG, traderie and discord is all you getā€¦

Filters arenā€™t really the issue. It is the poor response from traders even when you offer what they want, the hours of waiting to trade and lots of clueless traders that are open to offers only if you low ball yourself. FG solves so many of these problemsā€¦

I agree. Traderie seems a lot easier to trade in-game items, compared to D2Jsp. Of course, you got to watch some scammers tried to fool players while trading. Itā€™s vital to double check before you click the check box to trade items.

Traderie is affiliated with d2jsp and real money sites

An itemā€™s value is determined by supply and demand and also by how badly someone wants something that you have ā€¦

There is NO set value for anything!!!

You will NEVER EVER control any items values to your liking! EVER! You cannot and will not dictate what you feel in your little mind is THE price! EVER!

There will never be a set-in-stone price list.

Itā€™s all about supply, demand, and desperation.

OH hell yeah!!!

Just like the same ones using that trade site complain about JSP!

Yeah, shut tradeie down, it gives unfair advantage. Itā€™s third party!!!


If ya canā€™t beatā€™em, joinā€™em!

There is no such thing as low-ball or over-paying. Itā€™s about supply, demand, & desperation! You will offer what you feel the items value is at that time and how much you are willing to trade. Again, you cannot control a fixed price and never will! If I want something now, I offer moreā€¦ If I want something but can wait, I will offer far less ā€¦ just because YOU try to dictate a price does not mean itā€™s worth that value ā€¦ no matter how many of your buddies you try to collaborate with to control prices, LMFAO!!!

Either site [and I have never and never will use traserie] are a far, far better choice than in-game pgem trading. My god, an inventory of worthless pgemms taking up all of that space!!! What a joke!!! Itā€™s like a flashback to 2008 with the old ā€œwuwā€/ā€œwugā€ crap.

Just go to a stable trade platform, unload it for the currency of that platform, then use that currency to find what you are looking for ā€¦ pretty damned easily done. And no inventory taking up 6 characters and 3 other stash tabs. My god!!! Especially those damned worthless inventory space eating pgems!!!

No, no it isnā€™t. Weird lie to put up.

Traderie explicitly says it is affiliated with d2jsp and d2jsp trades with imaginary currency.

100% it does.

Iā€™m sure youā€™ll have zero issue linking to that official affiliation that they said right?

Er I use both, never ever once have I seen traderieā€™s site make any mention of d2jsp.