Traderie > D2jsp

traderie isnt a money site.

so, you mean its like real life? You ever been to an outdoor market? people bargain on prices all the time. Hell… my dad did it at a best buy once… he haggled them into selling 4 things for less money as a bundle deal lol…

so, you mean its like real life? You ever been to an outdoor market? people bargain on prices all the time. Hell… my dad did it at a best buy once (i was so embarassed…) he haggled them into selling 4 things for less money as a bundle deal lol…

diabloio trade >>> traderie >> D2jsp

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i’ve been using traderie, it is pretty good - i havent had too much trouble making sell trades when i list things at a fair price.

downside if you are shopping to buy you do have to filter through a lot of listings are terrible “make an offer” by zero-postivite review people trying to swindle others but they are largely wasting their time

i’ve never been on djsp the idea of an RMT/middle man funney money currency of FG is abhorrent to me, i enjoy the p2p aspect of traderie trades - runes are the defacto ingame currency already, we dont need an out of game currency too - f that

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WTF? This is the most ghetto site I have ever seen…you have to be kidding me right? Like this is a joke?

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d2jsp is literally a forum layout… thats super ghetto for a site with that much money…

Also, imagine assuming you cant use both and people cant have an opinion on which ones better. I use the official d2 forums AND traderie. Just gotta make sure you update accordingly.

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yes traderie is FAR greater than d2jsp, d2jsp is a part of the past. don’t use d2jsp its a joke. I will stick with traderie because its fast, easy to use.

i like it, even without making an account there i can lurk around and check what ppl expect for their stuff. can easily filter softcore vs hardcore, neat.

good stuff. bliz should make their own or just hire the guy like PoE did a few years ago :wink:

legit definition of white knighting for a company…

That site is trash compared to what JSP has done. JSP literally kept diablo 2 going for 10 years.

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One more for Traderie. Fg and the forum layout immediately steered me away from D2JSP. Having gear for gear trades only removes the thought that you’re getting fleeced somehow. You are deciding to trade item a for item b, not a fictional currency. Especially when there is a very established currency in the game already.

I dunno, sounds like the old heads are team old forums and newer players enjoy new site. For reference I played OG D2 as well as D2R.

Traderie is completely free too, someone above implied there was a money element. Sure theres ads, and you can pay to bump your listings more often, but I’ve made well over 200 trades on that site and haven’t spent a dime.

To each their own! I’m already confused enough keeping up with what stuff is worth in HR, let alone Fg too…hahaha

Lol and then you proceed to say this:

Lol. That’s all I have to say.


There is millions upon millions of forum gold in circulation and 99.9%+ of it had to be generated by putting money in Paul’s pocket.


I have not used either site up until now. If I do decide to start online trading for D2R items and cannot work a trade out in the two discord groups I belong to for D2R, I will choose Traderie.

Why. D2Jsp started as a hacker and bot site years ago. I will never support or use a site like that. Your choice if you want to use it.

Here’s the thing though.

You want an item for your character. You could spend hours and hours of your time mindlessly farming for that one item or something equivalent or better to trade for it.

Or you could just toss a bit of money and save all that time. Maybe even use that extra time you now have on overtime at your job.

But really, very few people likely a massive amount of money on forum gold at jsp. There are a few people that spent a ton at some point because you will see people with thousands and tens of thousands of fg. Either that or they seeded the economy at some point.

People who sell lots of items probably spend at least $10/month when actively trading to get a larger inbox but that’s probably about it.

You can pretty easily start at jsp with nothing, selling a couple items you have and then buying items you spot at a discounted price in order to flip them.

Fg works much better as a currency than runes and pgems. It’s a great deal more granular, having a lot of one rune (cough ist cough) doesn’t become a problem, and it also doesn’t tie you to staying with the game to the end of a ladder season. I can quit now and my work this “season” has value based on the items I’ve given to others. My work also has value if I decide I’ve gotten my fill of d2r. I think the complaining about activision blizzard goes too far on these boards but the game does still take a lot of my time that could always be spent on other games.

That said, I’m liking diablo2 io as a trading site, a lot more than this traderie which looks fairly meh. Only issue is putting up a lot of items for trade which is a bit tedious and the site has some performance issues still.

Jsp may be a glorified message board, but it’s fast, it’s easy to search, and prices are relatively fair.

Psssst: also, as I haven’t played d2 since ladder was first added, I would not have realized d2jsp was a thing if there weren’t threads on this forum talking about it constantly, poking my curiosity. I knew about ebay sales and was sure there were some d2 items for money sites, and of course those obnoxious spambots, but lol, visit those spambot sites? Never gonna give those spammers a cent. They should be sent to death row. Probably infect my computer with keyloggers that they use to log into my account and use it for their spambot armada when I’m not online.

But d2jsp, I went to because it was often discussed here. So…all the people complaining about d2jsp, piece of advice: stop mentioning it.

the problem with traderie is no one knows the values of items

some of the trades people offer me or deny mine when i giving them exact value

jsp is easier because people actually understand item values

I see laughably clueless lowballing on jsp all the time too though…

cause of the influx of new players, but there is generally a set way to find prices with their search function. traderie has a “recent trades” option, but it’s not exactly accurate. it seems like they count things as recent trades when the person marks their item as sold, even if they didn’t actually sell it

Lol… yeah sure it is :laughing::laughing:
clunky website, you have to wait a day or more to get an item…
list item, bam sold…
oo i like that other item, someone is selling it…
bam, message the guy. Joins game and you get item…
how long does it take? 5-10min max…

Yeah go wait 2 days to get your items :laughing::laughing:

? I’ve made nearly 100 trades and 98 of them were completed all the way through within 5 minutes after being accepted. Not sure who you were trying to trade with, but that’s not the standard at all.

Yeah you play softcore most likely . Hc is different

Click on a gem shrine with a flawless in your inventory…voila an item they will pay for.
Its really nothing than a trading currency that is not in the game itself and can be used on or gained from different games as well.
Just like other sites you can trade with many things, just like other sites money can speed things up but you don’t need it to trade.
And before people start shouting not on traderie, you can buy items from shops or ebay and trade with them and you can be assured this is probably done already and would be done if D2jsp closes for sure.

G.Face is really low best find for doing many runs with 400+mf barb, though I would say diminishing returns of mf makes going above say 200mf only worth it if you don’t have to sacrifice much kill speed.
For uniques 200 to 250 only adds 14 effective mf, while 300 to 350 only adds 9.
So maybe you could trade some mf for kill speed, or change the location your mf’ing?
I mean could be really unlucky of course, but since I have no idea of your experience level I thought I mention it, sacrificing to much kill speed for extra magic find is an often made mistake.